
457 9 37

Daniel~ 28
Zach~ 5
(I edited this the best I could but it I might've missed some things, this was originally Jack as the dad but then I switched it to Daniel, sorry if it says Jack instead, Just know I meant Daniel)

Plot~Zach is overly attached to his Pacifiers and doesn't want to give them up


Zach was now longer a baby, he was a big boy, no diapers, no pull-ups, no bottles, maybe the occasional sippy cup on the car but definitely not a baby. He even slept in a big kid bed with no railing. But for some reason Zach had a strong attachment to his paci's

Daniel tried taking them away but Zach would cry and cry, throw fit after fit until he had the soft rubber back in his mouth. His dentist was concerned about the health of his teeth as well. All of his uncles tried to pry the soother away from the boy but he would just grab another one.

Da: Bubby please give me the paci, I've asked 5 times to many
Za: nwo dwaddy. He said from around his pacifier
Da: Zachary Dean, you will give me it right now or you get strike three
Za: nwo, pweathe wet mwe hafe it. He slurred

Daniel had enough he yanked the rubber out of his sons mouth and stuffed it in his pocket. The second it left his mouth Zach started crying. He fell to the ground and started kicking his arms and legs. Daniel picked up the screaming child and took him up to his own room. Daniel sat him on the king sized bed and put on his stern dad face

Da: Cut this out! You don't get to throw a temper tantrum everytime you get your paci taken away!
Za: b-b-bu-but-
Da: No buts! Stop this crying now Zachary! He said sternly

Zach wiped his tears and sadly looked up at his dad. Daniel sat on the bed and pulled the boy onto his lap

Za: paci please?
Da: No paci, Zach hunny, you start kindergarten in 2 months and you can't go if your not a big boy
Za: but I am a big boy, you call me a big boy
Da: sometimes you're a big boy, but big boys don't use pacifiers
Za: Daddy I like my paci's though
Da: I know bubba, but only babies use them, your not a baby right?
Za: no imma big boy
Da: good, then no pacifier

Zach whined and made a pouty lip. He was gonna go from 24/7 pacifiers to 0. The blue eyed man realised that would be hard for him so he decided to make a compromise

Da: lets make a deal, okay?
Za: okie
Da: if you can go all day with no paci, then you can have it at bed time, once you're used to no daytime paci's we can shorten how many nights you use them, we'll do this until you don't use them anymore, does that sound fair?
Za: uh-huh, startin' now?
Da: yes bubby, run along and play

Zach crawled off his dad's lap and went to his room. He started playing with his cars but his eyes wandered to to drawer of his nightstand. He opened it and saw all his pacifiers, including his favorite blue panda one.

Za: daddy won't know. He whispered

Zach grabbed the paci and stuck it between his lips. After he began to suck on the soother, he sat down and continued to play with his cars.

30 minutes later Daniel was going to check up on Zach. The 5 year old heard his father's foot steps, he took the forbidden object out of his mouth and stuffed it under his bed. Just then Daniel opened the door

Da: hey bubba
Za: hi daddy
Da: good boy for not grabbing a paci when they're right there, you should get a reward
Za: uh-huh, no paci
Da: uncle Bean and auntie Chrissy are are downstairs, and since you haven't used a paci, we should go get icecream
Za: Yea Yea Yea!
Da: why don't you go put your shoes on and I'll be down in a second

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