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We've reached the end. Perhaps together, perhaps separately. I know some have parted ways since I began writing this story, all the way back in August of 2021. It is now nearly October of 2022, a rainy Monday. I had a rough draft of all six stories in November 2021. Since then, this has been mostly dormant, with a few edits happening until the end of 2021. So what happened in the past nine months?

   I feel much like Piper, in that regard: everything and nothing at all. I finally got to do something I've waited three years to do due to COVID, went to some insane concerts, graduated school with ridiculously good marks, got two jobs. I gained and lost friends—maybe one in particular. Grew older and grew younger. And I find it funny, how the version of me who wrote this, hit the nail on the head when it comes to how I feel today. How the person I was, knew how the person I am today feels. Though I wrote of a different, more distant grief then, it has now come to reflect a newer grief that is still healing (though do we really ever get over grief, get over people leaving us?)

   As we grow as people, or stories grow as well. I will not be promising anything for the future, for I am not certain that a future here is likely. I hope you all do what is best for yourself, and not what is best for others.

   Of course I also have to mention what this whole story is inspired by: a part of dodie's beautiful album Build A Problem (hence the name) that came out in May of last year (so, in a sense, the story has been brewing since then). I have linked to it at the top, and it is the concurring songs happening between 13:40 and 27:45. It is not pertinent to have seen/listened to the songs to understand, but it may help clarify some things. If not, leaving a comment or sending me a DM is always appreciated. 

   I know the acknowledgements of any book is always the part that we skip over (I, too, am very guilty of this), but at the end of the day, I mostly just hope that this story gave you something, or made you feel something. I know it made me feel something, both when writing it, and when I came back a year later to fill out the final blanks. Thank you to every single person who has read this, and to every single person who have interacted with me, and thus deepened the story, this past year. You have all meant so much to me; every single one.

   If you wish to see more, I have another story called Left Behind, for the Percabeth lovers who felt sullied during this story (rightfully so, I did do Percy dirty). And, if the creative juices are willing to flow, I may write something else, too (or release some of the secrets I have in the vault).

   From the ramblings of a lonely person, thank you from the bottom of my heart. May you be well.

- Grey xx

Building A Problem | JasiperWhere stories live. Discover now