Messenger: nothing will happen, Ji won.... It's the best way... Let her go.. she just started to question it now, but when she will go there by herself what will you do then?? And they won't go to earth.... Those devils are now in busy in ruling... They can't come and won't come.....

Ji won just sighs and think about it.....  Her doesn't want her to go.... But she can't do  anything about it.... Even that's not her concern. The main concern is the mission she has..... Guardian angel of Kim Seol-ah...... Her daughter's guardian angel is She..... What kind of cruel game the life is playing with her.....


In Hell

Hoseok pov

I am now in front of the library door..... I take a deep breath and think about the whole thing..... I don't know why I am doing... What I am even searching..... I should rule just like my other brothers are doing.... But my mind says something is not right... I am devil... A ruler of hell....I don't have heart..... I don't feel..... But why my left side hurts like there is something missing..... whatever that is, I will try to find answer of it.....

And with that, he entered in the library.... The library looks royal and old fashioned.... Chandeliers and lamps are visible..... Everything looks fancy....

He started to search for that book that Namjoon told him but he don't know about the book name or what does it look like... Realizing that, he felt more uncomfortable..... He don't know what to find...... He looked frustrated.....In this big library, he don't know where to find that book.....

In disappointed, he is going out of the library just then he heard a thud..... He look at the library and find it strange... He is the only one who is here.... He started to look around and see a big book laying in the floor..... He decided to go towards it....   He took the book and see the name written in the book..... " The history of Devils and their ruling".....

Hoseok:so, this is the book....

He said as he gulped

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

He said as he gulped..... He is still hesitate about it..... It's now then never for him.....



Jimin pov

Jimin is in his bedroom.... His upper body is naked as he is facing mirror and admiring himself....In the reflex of the mirror, he can see five demon girls are half naked sitting in the bed and making moaning sound, telling him to come and f**k them, pleasure them.... He smirked and go towards them.... He pointed one of the girl from there and signalled her to come towards him... She get up and come towards him seductively and bow to him as a respect...

Girl: my highness......

He gently touch her chin and make her look at him.....

Jimin: what's your name????

Devils Dark Obsession //BTS Fanfiction// (21+) ✅✅Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin