Chapter 4:~Wizards and hobbits~

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Emersion watched the hobbits with wonder. In his very, very long life he had never seen a hobbit. Strangely since he was technically over 5000 years old and even older than all of the elves in Middle Earth due to the fact that he was half demon. His blood mother was one of the powerful demon Queens. His biological mother had died, been killed by his father when he was nine years old. His father was the first child of his demon mother and he had later married his birth mother. Differently from the other Istar was the fact that he could have children. He wasn't one of The Maiar, he was humanly in a way because of his mother who had been human. His brother Aldon was the same like him. His doom of having demon blood was the fact that he could never sail to Valinor no matter how much grief and pain he was in. And he was doomed to live forever if he was not killed by someone else with magic. If he died, he would got to The Underworld, or The Demons Kingdom as it was also called. Elora finding out who her real parents are only meant he would lose her easier once she decides to sail. Pippin was curious about the new wizard who had come to Gondor. "What are you doing, Pippin?," Aragorn interrupted. And Pippin turned to the King, "Who is he? I mean, he's a wizard, is he not?," And Aragorn smiled, "He is a wizard indeed, Pippin,"

Elladan couldn't tell what he was feeling. Elora was something he had never seen before. He had fallen in love... with a Light elf. But she did not know him. She would never give her love and gift of immortality to him if they were not arranged to marry or she wanted to marry, or fall in love with him. Emersion walked over to Elora in concern, "Elora, my child, what's wrong?," And Elora glanced up at Emersion. "I am a Queen, Emersion. But why do I still feel fear?," And Emersion smiled, "Because it makes you stronger," And Elora smiled weakly at him. Thranduil glanced at his daughter and sighed.

Later that night, Elora couldn't sleep. Her head was filled with nightmares of the torment of her memories during her captivity by Sauron. Tears streamed down her cheeks from her closed eyes. She screamed and cried in her sleep. "Elora, iellig?," A soothing voice suddenly said and she felt a gentle hand on her shoulder, "Wake up, penneth. It's just a dream," Elora opened her tearful eyes and turned towards her father. Thranduil sighed. He did not know his daughter but she had already started opening up their bound and to that he was great full. He gently pulled his crying daughter into his arms, hugging her tightly. When Elora had finally gone to sleep, he noticed somethings on his daughter. One that made his blood run cold. Elora had strange scars on her arm that looked like they were from torture. On one of her wrists, a faded mark but visible showed. It was the mark of Sauron. He swallowed. Had his daughter been a prisoner of Sauron during the war? Or was it something else?

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