Chapter 3:~Reunion~

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Next night, a feast was held to celebrate. The hobbits were also there. Merry and Pippin was feasting and singing. Aline was happy to finally get to dance with Legolas. Thranduil was happy to see his son happy. Since he met Aline, he had become more like he was before his mother died. A happy elfling.
Outside, a carriage arrived and Emersion opened the door and helped The Light elf Queen out of the carriage. "Emersion, Gondor?," And Emersion smiled, "You're a Queen now. And the best is to choose a place where you are safe," And Elora looked up at the wizard, "You're right," And Emersion smiled, "Wait. Just one more thing that Cristiana seemed to have forgotten," And he put on her the silvery necklace with a sapphire that he had given her on her sixteen birthday. "I haven't forgotten anything," Cristiana interrupted, stepping out of the carriage, looking at her adoptive Elf daughter, the Leclitra smiled. Emersion held out his hand to Elora, "My Queen," And Elora smiled and took his hand and they entered Gondor's castle.

Aragorn smiled as he saw how happy Legolas was. Arwen smiled and they started to dance. The hobbits danced when suddenly, the gates opened and everyone stilled. Elladan looked up almost enchanted when a beautiful Elleth with long golden blonde hair and blue eyes entered the hall. "Who is she?," Pippin asked. Thranduil swallowed in shock. The Elleth almost looked like his wife except the blue eyes that were the same as himself. The golden blonde hair looked exactly as the golden hair his wife had. Elora turned to Emersion and Cristiana looked at Elora, "Get ready to stand out, darling. You're a Queen! You have to put on an act! You cannot always show what's in your heart. But first, this!," And she pulled out a hair needle. "Poison?," Elora blinked. And Cristiana sighed, "You say that so hopefully," And Elora gave her a look. "Sadly it's not," Cristiana continued, "But it's working if someone tries to kill you," And he put the needle into Elora's hair. "And besides," Cristiana continued, "I don't carry poison everywhere. I might actually kill myself. Emersion," And Elora looked at Emersion. Emersion cleared his throat. "Right, the presentation," And he gently took Elora's hand, "Queen Elora Of The Light Kingdom," Thranduil swallowed shocked. It really was his daughter.
"Your Majesty," Aragorn greeted Elora. "Welcome to the United Kingdom's. It's an honour," And Elora smiled, "The honour is mine," And Cristiana smiled for herself at Elora. Elladan just stared at Elora in amazement. Elrohir clapped his shoulder teasingly, "You haven't even met her and you already look like a lovesick man," And Elladan sighed, "Sorry, she's just so beautiful," And Elrohir shook his head.
Elora turned to Cristiana. Emersion had disappeared like usual. "Your Majesty, we should really need to discuss matters with you," Aragorn declared. Elora smiled, "But of course," Cristiana turned to Elora, "Don't do anything that can draw attention to your enemies," And she walked away. Arwen looked at Elora, "Your Majesty, Elora. You know who Lady Galadriel is?," And Elora smiled, "Of course I do," And Arwen nodded, "She gave us a message before she sailed. She said that a new dark threat even darker than Sauron has started growing and that without you, it cannot be defeated. Will you help us?," And Elora swallowed and nodded, "Yes," And Thranduil smiled, "It is a relief, My Lady," Elora went over to Cristiana, "Where's Emersion?," And Cristiana shrugged, "I have no idea," Elora sighed and turned back towards Aragorn when one of her ladies entered the hall. "Elora, something's happened. It's Emersion," And Elora sighed, "What has he done?," And her Lady Alana sighed.
Elora hurried over to Cristiana, "I must speak with you!," And Cristiana looked up at her adoptive daughter and smiled, "Always a highlight of my day," Elora sighed, "Emersion... He's done something to a girl," And Cristiana gulped, "Go on," And Elora sighed.

Meanwhile, an unknown man broke into the castle and run against the great hall and another who was helping him took down the guards. "Go! GO!," He exclaimed.

Elora stood with her ladies when the man stormed into the hall. "ELORA!," And Elora's ladies immediately turned around. "WHORE!," The man exclaimed at her. Elora slowly turned around and held out her hands, ready to take her death. The man swallowed and shot just when Emersion took him down from behind. The arrow hit the wall behind instead and Alana immediately stood up.
Elora stood completely still while her guards seized the assassin. Elora then fell to her knees and Cristiana hurried over to her daughter, glancing up at Emersion with relief. Emersion sighed and went over to Elora.
Aragorn helped Elora slowly calm down while Emersion and Cristiana was away. Thranduil swallowed, "Elora," And Elora looked up at The Elven King. "What do you know about your parents?," And Elora swallowed, "Not much. Emersion and Cristiana along with Emersion's evil brother Aldon has taken care of me since I was an infant. Emersion says that Aldon took me from my parents a long time ago," And Thranduil swallowed, "Elora, my wife Shalendra and I lost firstborn child, a daughter a long time ago. She was born The Last Light elf. Half silvan, half Sindar elf. We named her Elora. You look so much like my wife. And Elora... I am your father. You're my lost daughter," And Elora looked up at Thranduil shocked, "You are," And Thranduil smiled, "Yes," And Elora stood up and Thranduil gently pulled his newfound lost daughter into his arms and hugged her tightly. Legolas smiled and turned to Elora. "You're my sister," And Elora smiled. Emersion and Cristiana entered the hall. Cristiana looked at Emersion, "She needs your protection, Emersion. More than ever. And I know, for Elora, no one can ever replace your place in her heart as her father. Do not take this hard," And Emersion smiled, "Of course not. She's my daughter but she's also my Queen," And Cristiana smiled.

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