Chapter 2:~The Light Elves~

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Aline woke up to someone giving her fresh cold water to drink. She slowly opened her eyes to see Thranduil with a elven healer at her his side. She quickly sat up in shock and fear. "Shh, Princess, it's alright, calm down, you're safe," The healer Cultina declared. Aline started coughing uncontrollably and the healer went over to her. "Shh, penneth, you're very sick because of your lack of food and water," And Aline swallowed, "Where's Legolas? I want to see him!," Her voice sounded weak and hoarse to the older elves before her but loud to herself. "Prince Legolas is not here," Cultina answered softly, "He's away on a hunting trip but will return soon," And Aline felt her pain and agony rise. "I want him here now!," She exclaimed angrily, coughing shortly because of her dry throat. Thranduil sighed and turned to his messenger, "Find my son and bring him back immediately," Aline breathed out shakily. "Princess, you have to drink," Cultina said gently, "You have fever," Aline swallowed, "It's so dark," And Thranduil sighed. He couldn't understand how Ethlando could do this to his own daughter. She would have died if Legolas hadn't reached her in time. Cultina slowly made Aline drink again and put a blanket around the shaking Princess. "Penneth, are you hungry?," She asked gently. Aline slowly nodded in response. Cultina nodded, "Stay with her Thranduil, My Lord. I shall get something easy for her to eat," Thranduil nodded and the healer left.
Thranduil turned to Aline who had started sobbing silently and silently started crying. Thranduil swallowed and put a gentle hand on her back, gently stroking circles on her back soothingly. Aline started crying more and Thranduil didn't hesitate, instead gently pulled The Dark Elf Princess into his arms, holding her soothingly. Aline continued crying silently in The Elven King's arms. "Shh, it's alright, my child, you're safe now," Thranduil whispered soothingly. "Legolas," Aline cried. "Shh, he's soon here now," Thranduil whispered soothingly. Suddenly, Legolas entered the infirmary room and smiled weakly as he saw his love in his father's arms. He slowly sat down behind Aline. "Aline, meleth nín, I'm here now," Legolas began softly. Thranduil smiled and broke the embrace between him and Aline. Aline fell into Legolas arms and Legolas hugged her tightly before going over to holding her against his chest. Thranduil stood up and left the room to give his son and his future wife some privacy.
Legolas soothingly stroked Aline's back and Aline sobbingly pulled in his tunic. "Shh, Aline, I'm here," He whispered softly. "It's so dark," Aline mumbled, crying. Legolas kissed her forehead softly. He had seen how dark the cell he had found Aline was. "Open your eyes for me, meleth," Legolas whispered softly, gently stroking her forehead. Aline slowly opened her green eyes and looked up tearfully at him. Legolas kissed her forehead softly and hugged her once more. Aragorn entered the room and smiled weakly, "How are you feeling, Aline?," "Weak," Aline said weakly. And the healer entered the room. "Here, my Princess. Here you have some food. You have to eat or your condition will only worsen," And Legolas nodded, "I will help her with that. You may go, Cultina," "My Prince," Cultina curtsied and left the room. Aragorn smiled, "See you on the meeting in two days," And Legolas nodded and Aragorn left.
Legolas brought a grape to his love's lips. "Here, Aline, you have to eat," Aline shook her head. And Legolas sighed, "You must or you'll die. I'm here and we'll do it in your pace," And Aline swallowed and Legolas feed her with the grape. He smiled weakly as she slowly allowed him to feed her. In his heart, he was furious with her father. He didn't understand how Ethlando could have done this to his own daughter.

Some day later in Gondor's meeting hall, everyone had gathered. "We've been warned that a new threat is rising," Aragorn announced. "Do we know what it is?," Eowyn asked worriedly, looking up at Faramir. Aragorn sighed, "No, only that is something much darker than we have faced before and that we cannot defeat it without help," And Faramir sighed, "Help from who?," And Thranduil sighed, "Well, it cannot be that dangerous," And Arwen stepped forward, "Before Galadriel left, she told me about this threat and that only with the magic and help from a Light elf can it be defeated," And Thranduil swallowed and looked aside. "I've heard of them," Elladan cut in, "They were created by The Valar to bring back the light to Middle Earth. They were gifted with powers, abilities and skills from The Valar even more powerful than the most powerful elves that's ever existed. Almost as powerful as the Valar themselves. Their blood is of The Valar and the moon and sun. The first Light elf Dior built The Light Kingdom that lies somewhere far away away from here. Only a Light elf can find it and they people who live there. They were much into art if I'm not mistaken. But according to the legends, The Last Light elf died out centuries ago," And Thranduil swallowed. "But why would grandmother give me a false statement," And Thranduil sighed, "Because it is not false. The Light Elves didn't die out," And Aragorn looked up, "What do you mean," And Thranduil sighed, "Because The Last Light elf that's ever been born was born over 2000 years ago a year before you, Legolas," "How do you know this?," Eowyn asked confused. Thranduil sighed deeply, "Because The Last Light elf was my daughter," And Legolas looked at his father shocked, "You mean?," And Thranduil nodded, "Your mother Shalendra gave birth to a daughter a year before you were born, Legolas. We named her Elora. But she was taken from us the same night as she was born after her christening. By who we do not know," And Legolas swallowed, "So she may be alive," And Thranduil sighed, "I guess so," And Arwen sighed, "So if we find her...," And Thranduil sighed, "We'll defeat this new threat,"

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