Fake Ragnarok begins

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Started writing on 23rd December 4:45AM (pulled an all-nighter because of this dam exam preparation) 

Percy's P.O.V.-

"Lord Odin?" 

Odin's face had faded. He kept muttering that "This was not supposed to happen so soon."

"Lord Odin!!!" Percy shouted again, shaking the pale shaking man in his throne. He finally broke out of his trance and looked at Percy with dead serious eyes. 

"What just happened?"

"The arrival of doomsday." 

"Oh. What's that?"

Warning- Next parts of history are made by myself.

"So, long story short, doomsday or Ragnarok as you call it starts after the Eilazars attack Asgard. They send 4 waves of attack. Half of the einherjars die in this war, and at the last wave, we lose in war. It is also called the fake Ragnarok?" Percy asked after listening to the entire story.

"Yes. That about covers it. The worlds will fall now. Giants will take over the worlds. Our doom is arriving." He summarized.

"And your fates already foreseen this future?" Percy asked incredulously.

Odin nodded.

"And you did nothing to prevent this?"

Odin narrowed his eyes. "What are you trying to suggest?" 

"Merely that if you had known this so long before, why didn't you take necessary steps to prevent this huge war from breaking out?" 

"We, the gods of Asgard have already decided upon this matter, and agreed that we will accept the fate bestowed upon us." 

"And did the oh- Great Asgardians even think of the opinions of the still living?"

Odin's eye glowed red for a second after hearing this. 

"Think upon this. I will be in my room. If you need my assistance, I shall not hesitate to offer it to you." Saying this Percy left the hall room, and water-travelled to his room.

Magnus' P.O.V.-

"All this happened to a single kid?" Magnus and Alex said together. They looked at each other and grinned. They had finished reading the blood of Olympus. 

"We seriously need to visit Percy once more." Alex said. Alex had turned into a 'he', at the time.

"Let's go." Magnus agreed and the two of them ran together to Percy's room.

The door was open, so the duo entered there. 

That was when they knew that it was a seriously wrong idea.

"Incendio" Percy muttered with a stick in his hands, and fire burst through the stick burning a couch. He did not know that Magnus and Alex were in the room.

"Aguamenti!" Percy said again. This time a whole load of water from the flood basins flooded the couch. The fire diminished.

"Constructo" A huge metal statue solidified from the water, and looked at Percy.

"Stupefy!" "Petrificus Totalus!" 

Two beams of light hit the chest of the statue, and it broke back into water droplets.

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