Trouble at Heart and Hogwarts

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Started writing on 9th Dec, 2021, at 9-30 PM. 

Percy's P.O.V.-

Percy evaporated near the other side of Camp Olympus. He did not want to return to Hogwarts so soon. Not while the 'explanation' takes place. 

Hogwarts Dumbledore's P.O.V.-

Dumbledore sat gravely along with Professor McGonagall, listening to Harry's story of what happened in the chamber. Dumbledore knew that the demigod was there, and the memory might be manipulated.

At last Harry told "-and before leaving, I found some liquid. It was like unicorn blood, except the liquid was golden in co- wait, I think I have some of it." Harry looked at his robe in the bottom, where some of it was still sticking. Dumbledore took a bit of it from Percy's robe, and touched it. 

"Someone's being hiding a lot of things." He murmured slowly but his words were caught by Harry and McGonagall. 

"Who?" McGonagall asked.

"The matter ends here. I shall see on what may be done. For now, Harry go to your dormitory and call for Peter Johnson." Dumbledore said to Harry, while adding under his breath "and have a nice little chat."

Harry and Ron left after winning a good amount of house points for their house. They had just no idea that Peter was not even in Hogwarts now(He was sleeping in the Hermes cabin).

Percy's P.O.V.-

Percy was sitting on the creek of Camp Olympus, looking at the sea below, in his 13 years form. Percy had revealed himself to the entire camp. It was worth that Annabeth was brought down, putting Nico in her place. 

Percy kept staring until he heard a voice. He tilted his head, and looked at the beach. A couple was making out there. 

Percy had one question in his mind. "Why the hades does people have to make out in my dad's domain, and by far, my domain? Out of all the place, is that the best?" he thought. 

Percy had also feelings for someone, but Percy always kept siding them reminding he was a eternal bachelor. Besides, there was never even a chance that she would return his feelings. 

The couple seemed so happy with each other. Percy out of instincts looked closely at them, to know who they were. One was undoubtedly handsome. While the other-

Percy almost had a heart attack. The girl had auburn hair, and Percy recognized her as the goddess of the moon - Lady Artemis. 

Percy felt as if there was a huge weight on his chest. Lady Artemis with a man? Well she did deserve to be happy. If the boy made her happy, Percy had no problem. Yet, it was a weight on his stomach. Percy wondered why. 'She is happy. I should be happy for her too.' Percy reminded himself. The sight of the couple making out was no longer bearable to Percy. He vanished from the creek right to Hogwarts castle.

At Hogwarts-

Dumbledore's own words P.O.V.-

"I couldn't find Peter." Harry came and reported. I sighed. 

"Okay. Go and rest now." Harry went away, while I was pondering in my own thoughts. Percy was not a mortal. He had hidden that huge truth. He did not even reveal everything completely to me. Only that Lady Hecate has asked him to keep Harry safe. Now, where is he?

A dull thud interrupted me. Lucius Malfoy was here. 



𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℙ𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕔𝕖'𝕤 𝕋𝕒𝕤𝕜 (A PJO and HP crossover)Where stories live. Discover now