"Liu Qingyuan?" The king called from within his study. Liu Qingyuan turned, shoving down the irritation at the informality of Jiang Zhilan's speech but entered the study anyways.

"Yes, your majesty. Do you need anything?" He asked monotonously, although the sudden coolness felt like heaven compared to the sun's heat. Jiang Zhilan looked up momentarily and smiled, putting down his brush and stretching his arms.

"Come here." Liu Qingyuan hesitated for a split second and approached him. He stopped before his desk. "Closer." The king waved his hand. Liu Qingyuan rounded the edge of the desk, watching warily as Jiang Zhilan got up, eyes scrutinizing Liu Qingyuan's face. "It must be hot out there, right? Have some water." Liu Qingyuan stepped back.

"No thank you, your majesty. I'm fine."

"At least let me..." Jiang Zhilan leaned forward to dab the sweat from his forehead. Liu Qingyuan stepped back again startled.

"I don't-"

"Ai, stay still." He grabbed Liu Qingyuan's arm, tugging him closer in a sharp burst and dabbing his sleeve on his face. Shocked, Liu Qingyuan slapped his hand away.

"What-what are you doing?" The king slowly lowered his hand, the confusion on his face turning into an interested look. Slowly, he circled him; Liu Qingyuan watched, feeling flustered. Satisfied, he smiled brightly and skipped back into his seat.

"You can stand there," he dismissed, waving to the spot beside him. Liu Qingyuan shook himself out of his trance and moved into the spot, watching the king write for a moment before facing forward and resuming his stone cold expression. It was naught a couple minutes before Liu Qingyuan let his mind wander. He thought about what had just happened. The softness of Jiang Zhilan's sleeve and the gentle way he'd patted his face.

Liu Qingyuan felt a little breathless. He cleared his throat and banished all thought from his mind, trying to recite the lessons his master had taught him, in order to pass the time.

It wasn't until Liu Qingyuan's feet felt numb when Jiang Zhilan finally set down the latest scroll he'd been reading and stretched in his chair. "I don't want to do this anymore," he said to no one, rubbing his tired eyes. He turned to Liu Qingyuan when there was no response. "How about we play a game?" Liu Qingyuan spared him half a glance.

The king suddenly popped up into Liu Qingyuan's field of vision and he refrained from startling back. "Do you want to...gamble?" The king held up a wooden stick, smiling expectantly, but Liu Qingyuan only glanced at him.

"I'm afraid that isn't appropriate, your majesty." Who knew such a kind, poised and diligent king could actually have a frivolous side?

Jiang Zhilan didn't take any offense from the rejection, instead, he leaned back, assessing Liu Qingyuan with a pleased smile on his lips. "I see. A man that does not indulge in flippant activities." He spun around to the other side of the desk. "How about...xiàngqí1?" Liu Qingyuan shifted a little, sparing him another half glance.

"Pardon, your majesty, but I am here to protect you. I cannot be sidetracked by...other tasks. Lest your safety is compromised."

Jiang Zhilan raised an eyebrow. "And if I ordered it?" Liu Qingyuan looked away. No matter how much he hated it, he couldn't disobey the king's order, unless he wanted his head detached from his body. Jiang Zhilan moved back in front of him. Liu Qingyuan's eyes flickered down before he forced himself to stare over the top of the king's head. He was wearing that pretty flower pin again.

Jiang Zhilan's fist flew towards Liu Qingyuan's chest, abruptly. Quicker than lightning, he snatched his hand. The former's mouth shaped into an impressed 'O'. Liu Qingyuan stared down at him with narrowed eyes. What was he doing?

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