"That doesn't help, Stiles." I deadpanned.

"At least Anya didn't help though so you don't have to be mad at her!" Stiles said trying to make it better.

"Liam, I've gone through this before. And Ana has too. Somethings happening to you- something big." Scott says.

"Nothings happening to me. Nothing." He rips off the bandaid off his arm and the bite mark is completely healed. He takes my hand again and drags me to class.

"I'm so sorry. If I had known it would be that stupid I wouldn't had asked you to listen." I apologized.

"Stasia if you tell me your sorry one more time I'm gonna stop being friends with you." He joked with a straight face.

"You wouldn't." I gasped. He turned around and looked at me then walked into our homeroom. "Liam you wouldn't!" I say then follow him in.

At our collective free, the pack agreed to meet up by the busses to discuss.

"Hey ladies!" I smiled. "Scott. Stiles." I grimaced at them. Lydia side-hugged me and greeted me while Kira waved and Malia ranted about how she wasn't sharing her basement.

"Actually, it's my basement, and my mom noticed how you tore it up last time." Lydia said.

"She's... still learning." Stiles tried.

"We're gonna use the boathouse for Liam. It's got support beams- we can chain him to one of them." Scott said to the group.

"But how do we get him out to the lake house if he doesn't trust us?" Kira asked.

"He trusts-" Scott started.

"I say if it keeps him from murdering someone, we chloroform the little runt and throw him in the lake." Stiles suggests and Malia agrees.

"We're not killing or kidnapping him!" Scott and I say at the same time. "Well kidnapping him again." I added.

"Then lets be smarter. We tell him there's a party and invite him." Lydia suggested.

"So your gonna ask out a freshman?" Stiles asked her.

"No. I'm done with teenage boys. But why don't we use the only freshman here." She gestured to me.

"No. No way. I'm too nervous!" I shrunk.

"Ana he trusts you." Scott said.

"Yeah and when he gets to the party and sees no ones there he's not." I say.

"Anya. He's not gonna hate you. Nothing can be worse than last night and if he didn't hate you after that that I don't think he ever will." Stiles says.

"Yeah but have you heard of a little something called, oh I don't know, betrayal? Plus, when he finds out what I am... he'll hate me. And he'll think I'm a monster." I say.

"But your not, Anya." Stiles says.

"Ana please." Lydia pleads. I hesitate. Lydia drags me away from the group, past the table with my friends and into the hallway where her locker was.

"What are we doing by your locker?" I asked.

"Getting you ready. You have last period with me next, right?" She asked.

"Yeah?" I said.

"Great! I'll give you the lipgloss to put on then but we'll do the rest now."

"The rest?" I asked confused. She takes out a cute green and white flowey dress and some heels.

"Take this and go change." She places the items in my hands and pushes me towards the bathroom.

"Where'd you..." I trail off.

"I always have an extra outfit in my locker." She smiles. "Now go change." I walked into the bathroom and lock it so no one else can come in. I hesitate before taking off my top and skirt. I slip on the dress and step into the heels. I grabbed my discarded clothes and walk back outside.

"Oh honey! You look beautiful." She smiles. "Now turn." She says and I follow her instructions. She ties the two straps in a nice bow. "Ok now do a little strut."

"In the hallway?" I asked.

"Strut!" She demanded.

"O-ok." I say. I do my best walk by her.

"Perfect! He's gonna fall in love with you." Lydia clapped.

After my last period, Lydia and I peered over the hallway and wait for Liam to walk out of the classroom. Once we see him she gives me a nudge.

"Go get him girl." She smiles and I started walking down the stairs. I confidently strutted as he stared at me. I stumbled a little on the last step and he rushed to catch me.

"Are you ok?" He rushed out.

"Yeah." I blushed. "I'm fine. Do you, uh, do you wanna go to a party with me? Tonight?" I asked as he let me stand.

"Yeah sure. Did you change your outfit?" He asked.

"Oh uh yeah. I spilled some water on my skirt and this was all Lydia had in her locker." I lied.

"Oh well, you look really pretty." He complimented.

"Oh tha-thank you." I stuttered. "So I'll pick you up tonight at 6:30." I said trying to get away.

"Wait! I thought we were supposed to hang out with Mason and them tonight?" He asked. Shoot. "Can I invite them?"

"Well you see. Uh, the thing is it's an upperclassman party and I originally didn't wanna go and Lydia said I could invite a friend if that meant I would come and I thought you would wanna come?" I said more like a question.

"Ok." He said.

"Ok I'll see you later!" I say trying to leave for the second time.

"Not so fast." He says taking my arm again.

"What? Why?" I say.

"Come here." He says dragging me to a more secluded area.

"Why are you so nervous?" He asked me.

"Nervous? Who's nervous? I'm not nervous. Who's nervous?" I asked.

"Clearly you are Ana." He chuckled. "What's going on?"

"With me? Nothing. Nothings wrong." I tried smiling.

"You know you can tell me, right?" He says. No. No I can't. I looked around and thought of something to say.

"It's this dress. I don't really like it. Not my color? No, it's to short. I don't like it." I spitfire.

"Well I think you look really pretty in it." He says reassuringly. I blush again and smile.

"Really?" I say.

"Really." He confirmed.

"You're real great you know that?" I say mimicking him and walking away.

"Hey that's my line!" He says.

"6:30 be ready!" I say walking backwards. I turn around and run out of school to my pack. 

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