chapter 3

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When our last class is over with I start walking with Liam to the field.

"So what did you think of your first day at Beacon Hills High School?" I asked.

"Pretty well. Better than my last school." He smiled.

"That's good! Well I'll see you on the field I gotta go meet up with some friends! Good luck out there! But you probably won't need luck but just in case- I'll go now." I blushed out of embarrassment and ran off.

"See you out there!" He called out after me.

Once I got to the field, I spotted my favorite strawberry blonde and walked towards her and the others.

"Ok missy, I've waited all day to hear your news now you better spill." Lydia says as soon as I am within talking distance.

"So I had a dream last night. Well it was more of a name being whispered to me while I was staring at a bright glowing wall. The name the angel, or at least I'm pretty sure it was an angel, was whispering was Liam." I started. "Today after I bumped into the same guy I did earlier I fell. When he grabbed my hand I heard the same whispering and then name being said again. And now I'm friends with him." I finished. "Oh look there he is!" I wave at him and he waves back.

"Ana do you have a crush on him?" Kira asked.

"What? No she can't." Scott says.

"Yeah no boys until she's 30." Stiles agreed. Lydia rolled her eyes.

"Don't you two have tryouts?" She asked.

"Yeah go kick some butt while we talk to banana about her crush." Malia shoos the two off.

"I hate that nickname." I muttered.

"Just don't kick Liam's butt!" Kira yells after them.

"I say go after him. He's athletic and quite good looking." Lydia says.

"I agree with Lydia, who cares what Stiles and Scott say." Malia pushes.

"I guess you guys are right." I smile. "He probably doesn't feel the same way thought." I frown slightly.

"Won't know till you try it." Kira says. I smile and continue watching tryouts.

After tryouts I wait outside the locker-room so I can congratulate Liam on doing so well... and Scott and Stiles too but I see them every second of every day. Just then Liam walks out.

"Hey Liam! You did really great out there!" I congratulated.

"Thanks! I really hope I make it." He grinned.

"I know you will." I look at him. Ok maybe I have a small crush.

"You ok? You kinda stared off into space again." He say bringing me out of my trance.

"Yeah I'm ok. Sorry." I apologized again. "I don't know why I do that it's just habit I guess."

"Why are you sorry? You have nothing to apologize for." Liam said. "Hey listen, I gotta go but I'll see you tomorrow?" He asked.

"Yeah I'll see you tomorrow." I smile. He starts walking away then he turns around as if he forgot something.

"Oh right!" He jogs back over. "You brother and his friend are kind of intimidating."

"Oh gosh. What'd they do this time." I rolled my eyes.

"Well they asked me how I was so good. And then they asked why I got kicked out- I mean transferred!" He quickly fixes himself but it was too late. I had heard him. "Shoot." He muttered.

"Liam it's all right. Kicked out or transferred I'm not gonna judge you. I-I'd never judge you." I stuttered.

"You're real great you know that?" He says. Then he starts backing up. "See you tomorrow!" He waves and runs down the hallway. I smile to myself before the door opens and Scott and Stiles stumble out meaning they heard my whole conversation with Liam.

"H-hey Anya." Stiles stutters.

"Don't ruin my day or I'll make sure you can't go to the the second tryouts tomorrow." I turn to walk away but I stop and turn back. "Both of you." I flash them my lavender eyes and walk to the car. I hear running behind me and the two juniors catching up to me.

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how the hell do I tell him?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora