
113 8 4

idk what this is

Auditor gets bored with his life and decides to leave his office or whatever.,,,,,,,,.,,,.. the agents were having their daily cheese fight (is that news at this rate) he didn't give two fucks until he saw hankball in the middle of it. Because hankball. Roll him like a bowling ball and get the strike. (That nearly fucking rhymeddddd) "hankball wtf are you doing" auditor asks because thats sus my guy "IDK WHY I AM HERE SEND HELP IVE SEEN SOME SHIT NOBODY ELSE HAS!!!!!!!!!!" Hankball yells and then fucking explodes. Auditor stands there questioning what the fuck happened. He gets cheese thrown at him because well, cheese fight. The average bullshit here, auditor leaves the area because of that nonsense and decided to form into a door.


This was the most stupidest thing I've written lol

Just a short story because small amount of motivation happened

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