"I already said I don't think you're cheating on me."

"But you're lying, you do think I'm cheating on you. I know it's my fault that I did something that made you even think that I'm cheating on me but it's just very frustrating. Do you want me to just never leave the house without you?"

I didn't say anything and she walked out the room.


I didn't hear the front door open so I knew she was still in the house somewhere. I gave her some time to calm down then I went to find her.

I looked for her everywhere and found her in our basement turned studio playing music on the speaker. "Bey!" I yelled over the music since it was so loud.


"I want to talk to you."

"After this song." She was spinning in her chair and listening to Junya by Kanye and Carti. After the song was over she turned the music almost all the war down.

"You remind me of him."

"Of who?"

"Kanye." They're oddly similar, like way too similar.

She stopped spinning and laughed. "How? That nigga is crazy."

"And you're not? Y'all are both bipolar as fuck."

"He has actually been diagnosed as bipolar, I'm not bipolar like that. I may be a little mentally unstable but aren't we all?" Um no..

"Anyways! Can I suck it?" This wasn't what I came here for but I actually did want to have sex when she asked me. It's been a while.

"Do you know what I want to do to you?" She was smirking and she rolled closer to me.

"What?" I was smirking too, we're both so nasty.

"I saw this on Twitter but I want you to lay on your back with only you head handing off the bed and let me fuck your throat like that. My balls would have to keep hitting your eyes though but I guess you could hold them."

She's so..

"Twitter?" I didn't even think she had a twitter.

"For porn. You wanna see my bookmarks?"

"Why do you even watch porn? You have me."

"You know how my sex drive is and you like to deny me sex. I need to nut at least once a day and that's at least." She's right, she asks me to fuck every other hour.

"You be wearing me out, I'm a small woman. I do want to see those bookmarks though."

She rolled next to me and went to her Twitter. We spent close to an hour just looking though her bookmarks.

There was some wild porn in there.. I don't know what I expected but it definitely wasn't that.

I saw something a little gay in there but she didn't address it. I wasn't even surprised, I accept her little gay ass.

"So can I do this to you?" She showed my the video she was talking about earlier.

"Fine but you have to give me head after."

She squealed and threw my over her shoulder. "Beyoncé put me down! and you never said yes."

"Because it's not a yes, maybe." She closed her MacBook with me still over her shoulder and started walking back upstairs to our room. I played with the back of her shirt since I was hanging upside down.

When we got to our room she threw me onto our bed and I giggled. "Stop being so rough with me." I liked it.

"Sorry baby." She leaned down on the bed and started kissing me. She wasn't going to stop, she loves throwing me around like a rag doll. "Would it be weird if we had sex to your music?"

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