Secretary: You know something.. Few people really forget to count their blessings. They really don't treasure what they have..

The employee who was sitting next to her hushed her...

Employee: Don't cross your limits.. She is still the wife of our boss. We cannot cross her. We will end up in bad taste.

Secretary: I work here for 6 years.. I'm working as our boss's secretary for past one year.. She knew our boss for only 5 years... I know him much longer than her..

She is treating our boss so poorly. I was not able to see with my eyes. She seduced him and married him. Now she is playing with him.

Prerna placed the cup hardly on the table.

Prerna: What's your problem really??

I'm asking you.. Look at me..

She asked the secretary who was really getting on her nerves.

Secretary: I don't have any problem. But don't you think you are crossing your limits by fighting with our boss?

Prerna: Hello, FYI... he is my husband..

Secretary: Then let me remind you.. you were a nameless commoner who got lucky and married our precious Second prince.

If he is not your husband, you can never imagine this position.. Try to respect him.. If I was in your place, I would have showered him with my love and dignity all day..

Prerna watched her like a clown..

Prerna: Get lost...

Secretary: you don't have the authority to kick me out...

Prerna was really exasperated by this time. She dialled a number quickly.

Prerna: Richard... Where are you??? Come to cafeteria in 10 minutes with dismissal order for .....????

She turned towards the girl who accompanied that secretary..

Prerna: Her name??

Employee: Vidhya...

Prerna: For Vidhya...

Richard reached the cafeteria in ten minutes with a paper in his hand. Prerna signed it and handed over to Vidhya.

Prerna: You're dismissed, Ms.Vidhya..

For me, an employee should exhibit professionalism.. I don't see such a professionalism in you. So you're being dismissed..

Vidhya: How can you dismiss me?? You don't hold any power in this company. You cannot dismiss me just because you married rich.

Richard was about to say something and Prerna signalled him not to say anything as she saw Eeshwar entering the cafeteria.

Vidhya: You are showing your colors. You vixen... Snake... Who knows??? You may be cheating our boss... That is why you're playing with his feelings....

Eeshwar: Nah nah nah nah nah... Stop stop Stop vidhya... What happened???

Prerna was leisurely sitting on the side when Vidhya was explaining everything to Eeshwar.

Eeshwar was seriously nodding his head and then he looked at Prerna. Vidhya had an aggrieved expression on her face.

Eeshwar: You shouldn't have done this Prerna..

Vidhya had a triumphant smile on her face.

Eeshwar: You should have dismissed her just after you knew about her eavesdropping on our conversation.

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