Better yet, Lexi would have kept her out of this mess entirely. Maddy never wanted to come back to Mystic Falls. She did it solely because she was scared that her brothers were going to wind up hurt without her help.

She tried to play a few games on her phone, but it wasn't as entertaining as she hoped it would be. She was starving, dirty, and so annoyed with having to spend another day down here. Upstairs, she could hear a lot of movement, as if the house was being prepared to host some gathering.

But no one came to tell her about it. Damon was obviously busy and did not want to talk to her. Stefan was at the lake house with Elena, likely informing her about the plan to dagger Elijah.

Bonnie came just before afternoon. Damon brought her, and left quickly. Bonnie noticed how sad Maddy was, curled up in a ball and staring at the wall, and she found herself pitying her.

"I've never done this before," Bonnie admitted once she explained to her what she was going to do to try and remove the compulsion. "I don't know if it'll work, but I can at least try to help you talk again."

Maddy nodded eagerly. Bonnie bit her lip. "This is gonna hurt. Are you okay with that?" Maddy assented once more. She just wanted to be able to move her mouth again.

Bonnie let her hands hover on either side of her head. Maddy dug her nails into her thighs, immediately feeling a burning pain all over her scalp. She whimpered, but her mouth refused to open. Bonnie continued to chant, pushing harder with her magic. Maddy was screaming internally, begging for Bonnie to stop. It wasn't working and she knew it.

She started to wave her hands like a madwoman when she saw that Bonnie's nose was bleeding. That wasn't a good sign, clearly she was pushing herself. But Bonnie wasn't paying attention. Her eyes were closed and she was completely focused.

Maddy started to press against her arms, pleading for her to take notice. Bonnie was still chanting. Maddy whined and whimpered, feeling herself growing weaker. She was so hungry, and all she could smell was Bonnie's blood as it leaked from her nose—

"STOP!" Maddy burst out. "BONNIE, STOP!"

The Bennett witch immediately leapt back, shocked when she saw dark veins rising in Maddy's face. She instantly sprinted out, slamming the cell door behind her as Maddy lunged at her, reaching her hand out through the bars and clawing at the air, trying to get Bonnie.

"I'm sorry!" she said, once she could no longer smell blood. "Bonnie, I'm sorry!"

"I-It's okay," said Bonnie nervously, stepping back. "You can talk, that's what matters. I— I've got to go."

Maddy knew she'd scared her a bit too much when Bonnie ran off without another word. She couldn't even claim that wasn't her fault. She should have controlled herself better. For so many years, she'd tried to work on that. She had to, because how else would she have kept Stefan from lashing out in those moments where he went full Ripper?

Her phone rang just before evening, when she was laying on the floor with her legs against the wall, trying to make out the muffled voices upstairs.

"Mads," said Stefan on the other line. "Bonnie says you can talk again?"

"Yeah," she said dejectedly. "She helped me, and then I tried to rip her throat out."

"It was an accident, it's okay."

"No, it's not okay. I just— I don't know what to do, Stefan. I wish I could turn back time and fix this. I'm gonna go crazy in here. If Elijah gets taken down tonight and I'm stuck like this..."

"I'll find another witch to help if Bonnie can't do it. But this proves it's possible, okay? It proves that compulsion can be undone by a witch. Listen... we're gonna figure it out. Just like we've always figured everything out before this. Think you're up for talking to Elena while I call Damon about his plan for tonight?"

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