Christmas Special

886 19 13

[This episode is definitely non canon, so i can do some rather... lewd things, don't worry, i won't go as far as smut, just some. Things]

It's about to be Christmas! Everyone's favorite time of the year. A bunch of happy faces all around and that's definitely not an exception for the Gang, though right now, it's getting a bit troublesome....


4:23 PM


3rd POV

Y/N: "I just don't know what to get them!" He says as he walks through the mall with Ichika, holding his head as he struggles to think "I know what they like. But what if they want something completely different!" Ichika pats him on the back as they make their way to a Christmas store

Ichika: "Calm down, you've been married for three years now. Just go with your gut, do something that screams You" 

Y/N: "Well what are you getting for Rin, Laura and Houki?" Ichika starts sweating as he looks off to the side, avoiding eye contact, Y/N glaring at him "You don't know do you?"

Ichika: "....." Y/N gets angry as he lunges at his friend

Y/N: "You son of a bi-"

Timeskip 2 hours


After finding nothing to get the girls, Y/N and Ichika have just been sitting in their rooms, thinking about what to get them. Ichika finally looking like he thought up something as he goes running out of the house, leaving Y/N there as he sits and sulks all day

He eventually gets up and walks out of the house, looking back up at the sky as the sun starts to set, him wearing a jacket since it is pretty chilly out today

Y/N: "I wonder what they're doing. Probably having more luck than me.."

With the girls... It's no different

Chifuyu: "GAGH!!! Why is this so damn frustrating?!?!" She slams her head the kitchen table as the rest of the girls surround her, a bunch of crunched up paper on the floor and table

Alexandria: "Oui, this is much harder than i thought..." She says as she crumples up another paper, throwing it into the trash and missing "Fuck"

Charlotte: "Perhaps we should ask the other three what they are going to get Ichi?" She suggests as she looks up to the walkway above, hearing Rin


Cecilia: "Perhaps that's not a good idea" They all let out a collective sigh before saying nothing

Chifuyu: "So what do you three think we do? I'm fucking stumped" She says as she looks absolutely drained from the whole ordeal, the rest looking the same

Alexandria: "We need something that will make him go red" She says with a tired look but she can't think of anything else to go along with the idea

Charlotte: "Perhaps we should visit the mall?" They all look up and agree with her, getting their coats on and heading out, making sure to tell the rest about them leaving

Cecilia: "I know we did say we were going to the mall, but what exactly are we going to get there?"

Chifuyu: "Hell if i know, let's just go and clear our minds so we can figure it out" They all nod and head into the train, thinking about what to get him but it ends up with the same result. And when they get to the mall, it's simultaniously agreed that they should just get their minds off this for a while and rest

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