Chapter 1

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Lily's small figure walked through the front entrance of Grand Mountain High School, her wool socks scratching against her small legs. She walked up to her locker and struggled to open the lock. She continued to fumble with the cool metal circle until she felt a tap on her shoulder, making her jump and pull her shoulder away. She turned around to see THE Oliver Hendrix, the school bad boy.

Lily's pov

His dark brown orbs burned into mine as he stared down at me. 

"What," I squeaked, walking backward until I hit the locker. 

"Need help?" he grumbled. 

"N-no," I whispered. "I've got it."

He put his hand on my shoulder and I squeezed my eyes shut scared of what might come next. 

"Whatever," he said with a smirk. 

He punched my shoulder in a friendly way then turned on his heel and walked down the hall.

I clutched my books tightly to my chest and let out a whimper, remembering the sting from the slap my father gave me this morning.

I felt a panic arise and ran to the bathroom dropping my books on the ground. I rushed into a stall and instantly threw up into the toilet. After I was done I stared into my green eyes and tears poured down my face. I willed them to go away but the droplets just kept coming. I stared at the girl in the reflection, the girl that was supposed to be me, but I didn't recognize her. 

I sped down the halls and pushed through the doors revealing that it was lightly raining outside. I tried running over to the closest tree but stopped when I bumped into a muscular chest.

"S-Sorry,"  I said looking up to be met with a sharp jawline belonging to a boy who looked to be about my age. He chuckled and turned his head to face me.

"It's fine," he said, still laughing.

My cheeks turned rosy and I quickly turned around, embarrassed.

"Hey, it's fine," he said brushing my wrist. "Are you skipping too?"

"Uh, yeah, I guess," I said timidly.

"Want to hang out?" He caught me off guard.

"Umm...Okay," I said while giggling awkwardly. God, he probably thinks I'm a loser.

"Come on," he said as he walked through the parking lot. "By the way, I'm Eli. Eli Greyson."

"Lily Campbell,"  I said as looked up at him with a genuine smile. 


We talked for what seemed like hours and for the first time in a while I was actually having fun until I realized that it had gotten dark outside. 

"Hey what's the time?" I said worriedly

Eli lifted his wrist and checked his gold watch, "Around seven. Why?"

My face dropped and I quickly stood up picking up my backpack "Oh my god, I have to go. This was fun. Thanks"

"Oh, okay, see you around," He says with a big smile on his face. 

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