--EIGHTEEN-- (Edited)

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Aviar flinched as the man stared sardonically at him. The necromancer mustered the courage to retort. "You think I don't know you, either!?" Aviar glowered, "I know you. I'd recognize your face anywhere, Father." He glared at his father, hatred flashing in his dark eyes.

His father blanched, but recovered quickly. "My son," he murmered.

"Why did you abandon me?" Aviar demanded angrily, tears brimming in his eyes. "You left us with our 'wonderful' mother. You left us. Left us with that crazy woman, alone, with no one. Our life was miserable, so much that we ran away!"

"We...?" His father pretended not to know what he was talking about.

"Yes, we!" Aviar burst out. "You left Constantine! You left me! You said you would never abandon us. Yet you did, and now Mother has gone mad. I can't believe you right now."

His father stiffened, pain etched on his gaunt face. He let go of Kleya, and the kestrel gasped for air. "Cleared," he said, with no emotion.

The people around tittered, annoyed, and dispersed. The chains locking Aviar released him, and he stood up. "You will regret it," he snarled, his eyes locked with his father.

"I won't forget," his father whispered.


Sereminas and Shariah glared at each other in silence. Shariah's tail twitched, her claws retracted and came out over and over again. The other Counterparts stared silently at the bickering animals.

"You think you have an idea, smarty?" Shariah finally snarled. Sereminas looked away. " Ha! I thought so."

The serval got up on her paws, and flicked her ears. "Shhh," she hissed softly, "Do not speak."

"Why?" Caelum demanded quietly.

Shariah stiffened. "Someone's listening."

THE MAGICK TRIALS VOL. 1 | 𝙗𝙧𝙤𝙠𝙚𝙣 𝙨𝙤𝙪𝙡Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum