--SIX-- (Edited)

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A few minutes later...

When Sorrel crept into the hallway and opened Cunning's door a crack, she found Cunning sobbing into Constantine's shoulder, Constantine's head on hers, both sitting on the ground. Sorrel closed it abruptly but quietly.

She decided not to share this with anyone.



Lilian knocked on her father's door, tapping her foot impatiently. She waited a long while until at last, her father opened the door. He frowned at her, clearly upset. "Lilian! What have I told you? I'm in a meeting!"

"It's fine, Zacharyas," A sweet sounding voice swooned from in the room. "If it has something to do with your daughter, of course."

Lilian grinned, pushed past her father, and entered. She bowed politely. "Hello Professor Gladys." she murmured, twirling a lock of her blond hair around her small fingers.

Professor Gladys was a petite, thin woman with a pinched nose and salt and pepper hair. Lilian adored her, and she was pretty sure Professor Gladys adored her as well.

"Hello," Gladys drawled in her honey-sweet voice, "Hello, dear Lilian." Lilian flushed with pride.

"Professor," Lilian said softly, "I have information." Gladys' eyebrow shot up expectantly.

"Well?" she snapped. Lilian backed away slightly. "Well, the boy that Father triumphantly experimented on," Lilian emphasized triumphantly, "has escaped." Gladys tapped her fingers impatiently. "I already know that," Gladys drawled, "Your father let him escape." Lilian's father, Zacharyas, flushed with anger.

"I didn't let him!" he protested defiantly. Gladys waved her hand.

"Sure," she snarked. The poisonous professor stood up from the armchair and glared at Zacharyas. "Anyways," she smoothed down her coat, "I want him. Immediately."

Zacharyas stared at Gladys and nodded his head hastily. "Professor," Lilian began, but Gladys waved her hand and walked away to the door.

"I expect information Friday," she said, and almost strode out until Lilian shouted, "I SAW HIM JUST A FEW MINUTES AGO!" Gladys stopped walking abruptly. She stalked towards Lilian, cupping Lilian's chin in her hand. "You what?" she demanded with soft venom.

"I saw him," Lilian met Gladys' gaze evenly, "I think I know where he is."Gladys' face was a mixture of contorted triumph, venom, and revenge.

"The hunt," Gladys breathed, "is on."

THE MAGICK TRIALS VOL. 1 | 𝙗𝙧𝙤𝙠𝙚𝙣 𝙨𝙤𝙪𝙡Where stories live. Discover now