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I use vocabularies "my kind" aren't supposed to

I vomit and spit out accents and grammar I'm not "supposed" to

I posses a skin I can't possibly have

And a face impossible to believe it's origin

Confusion set in

Assumptions were made

But assumptions go wrong

And when that happens

I'm the liar

The cheat

I'm a fraud

The ghetto speaks like a residential

It's pretence all shout

It has to be pretence

So a historical legacy was painted in that light

With I, the center piece oblivious of it all

Unaware of the profanities

Showered like rain; I wasn't guilty of

Who says I can't be more than just my surroundings

Who says the ghetto can't be a residential.

Polished and ShinedOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant