Elfcon One

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November flew by and Curtis still refuses to spill the beans on whatever it is he and Bernard needed to tell Scott and (Name). It was now the day after Thanksgiving and everyone in the Pole were busy getting ready for Christmas.

Everything was going along smoothly with no sign of any problems.... Except for one. A plane was flying right towards the North Pole that stayed hidden under the snow and ice. Now of days planes have technology that can pick up sound, no matter how far down the North Pole is.

One elf looked at her monitor, seeing the plane coming their way. She spun around in her seat to look at Bernard. "They're coming right at us!" She announced. "Take us to Elfcon three!" Bernard order, going over to take her seat at the controls.

"Take us to Elfcon three." Another elf said, on a phone. Bernard pressed some button and turn a knob that set an alarm to go off in the toy workshop. The conveyor belt halted to a stop while every elf freeze in place.

Back in the control room, Bernard looked at the monitor to see the plane was still coming. "These guys aren't stopping. Take us to Elfcon two!" The head elf order, hitting some more buttons and switches. "Let's go to Elfcon two." In their respected rooms, Scott and (Name) suited up and ran to the control room, where they took a lift with a periscope up. Both Scott and (Name) wore a beret hat, with metals on it.

Scott used the periscope, that was actually the North Pole... well Pole, to see the plane that was approaching them. Once he got a good look at the plane he pulled away from the periscope to give his orders. "We have a partridge in a pear tree. You take us to Elfcon one. Let's rig for silent running. Look alive, everybody!"

"Okay, we're at Elfcon One." Scott set the periscope back down as the elves in the control room pressed their buttons and switches to let everyone in the Pole know, to not make a sound.

Both Scott and (Name) took off their beret hats, as they came up from behind Bernard to watch the Monitor. (Name) took this moment to replace the beret hat, with her iconic elf hat instead. Everyone stood still, not daring to move and risk giving themselves away. As the plane starts to fly pass them, everyone looked up, hearing the plane as it flew by.

Seeng the plane pass them, (Name) let out a sigh, slipping her arms pass Bernard to hug him from behind in relief. Bernard smiles patting (Name) on the arm, letting her know everything is alright now.

"You better watch out. You better not cry. You better not pout, I'm telling you whyyy" Scott, (Name), and Bernard look up in a panic. "Find out where that music's coming from." (Name) order, letting Bernard go. "Okay." An elf nodded, and pulled up a map of the Pole to locate the sound.

"(Name), I've got her on the locator." The three of them went over to the elf to see the music is coming from the reindeer stables. (Name) turn to Scott and Bernard, all three of them had an idea of who was behind it.

They race down to the stables, hearing the well know Christmas song ring through out the Pole. "He sees you when you're sleeping. And he knows when you're awake. He knows if you've been bad or good... So be good for goodness sake! Yeah, yeah, yeah!"

Entering the stables, they see a pair of Elf legs kicking up to the beat, in the sleigh. "You better watch out. You better not cry. You better not pout. I'm telling you why." "Whoa!" Curtis cheered, having no clue what's going on. The three of them sprinted to the sleigh, with Scott coving Curtis mouth and pressing the button to turn off the song. "Santa Claus is coming to tow-...."

Bernard and (Name) climbed into the back of the sleigh, staring up at the ceiling. "We're at Elfcon four. All clear." An elf said on the mic, everyone let out a sigh of relief. "Curtis, what do you say we get you headphones this Christmas?" Scott told the little glasses wearing elf, who stayed quite.

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