Melting A Frozen Heart

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"I don't understand how we fellen this far behind." (Name) said, looking at list of the toys they need ready for each part of the world, as she and Curtis walked through the workshop. "Well with everything falling apart around here lately..." Curtis started.

"I know, I know. I've seen all the problems we're having. After this crazy Christmas how about we make some back ups or protocols for when something like this happens again." She suggested, handing the list back to Curtis. "I'll get on that right after Christmas."

"Help!" A voice called. "What was that?" The two look around, hearing a voice cry out for help. They follow the sound to the vending machine room, and to the closet where Lucy was trap. (Name) open the doors and nearly jump out of her skin, when she saw Laura and Neil frozen.

"(Name)!" Lucy ran out of the closet colliding into (Name), wrapping one arm around her for a hug. "Lucy? What happen?" (Name) asked, crouching down to her level. "Jack Frost stole Uncle Scott's snow globe and froze my parents when I tried to get help!" (Name) turn her head to look at Curtis, both were worried and frighten by not only what Jack has done to the Millers, but also what he could be doing right now.

Meanwhile elsewhere in the workshop, Scott decided to let the In-Laws in on the secret. Not only that but the Legendary Figures came back to he North Pole to help the Elves get everything ready for Christmas this year.

"Well, hello, Santa. This is a blast!" Mother Nature said as she made her way to Scott. "Mother Nature. How can I ever thank you for this?" Scott asked her. "Oh, don't thank me. He's the one who brought us here."

"Hey, Dad." Scott turn to see Charlie making toys with Tooth Fairy and Sandman. "Charlie!" "Hi Santa." Toothy Fairy waves as Sandman yawns. "Hey, Tooth. Hi. Sandy."

"Bernard came to me saying you were behind, so we decided to call professionals." Charlie explained. Bernard walked over to Scott, with a smirk. "With the extra help we might meet our deadline in time." Scott shook his head in amazement. "This is why you're my Number 1 elf." He said, making Bernard chuckle.

"UNCLE SCOTTTTTT!" Lucy ran through the crowd of elves to Scott with (Name) and Curtis right behind her. "Lucy, what's happened?" Scott asked, running ahead to meet them half way. "We found her locked in a closet." Curtis told him. "What's wrong?" Scott asked, Lucy. "You've got to see what Frost did to my Mom and Dad."

The elves begin to murmured to each other as Laura and Neil are roll out to the center of the workshop for everyone to see. Scott lightly knocks on Neil's cheek feeling it's as hard as ice. He turn to Lucy, to comfort her. "It's gonna be okay."

The doors to the workshop open and Jack Frost is escorted in by two elves. "Ow." He said to one of the elves holding him. Scott stared Jack down. "Yeah, and?" Jack asked. "Elficers, I have him." The two elves let Jack go, leaving him to Scott. "Jack, this isn't funny. Unfreeze the parents right now."

"No way, Claus. I can't unfreeze them without unfreezing myself, and that is something I'll never do." Jack told him. Scott goes over to Mother Nature for help. "Mother Nature, help me out here. Can you thaw him out?" He asked. "I'm sorry, Santa. Our powers don't work on other legendary figures." She told him."Isn't that a shame?" Jack said chuckling evilly.

(Name) let out a frustrated growl and marches up to Jack grabbing him by the front of his jacket. "I like it when you're feisty." Jack said with a sly grin. "I'm not kidding Jack. You better unfreeze them or..."

"Or what? There's nothing you can do, Snowflake. Sit me by the fire, force me drink cocoa, give me a hug. Nothing! It won't worrrrrk." Jack taunted. (Name) groan, pushing Jack away, and walk back over to Bernard and Curtis.

The Santa Clause 2 & 3: Santa's Little Helper (Bernard x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now