The Escape Clause

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Christmas Eve... 2006

Scott is sent back to present date, where he finds himself in an office building discussing work. Not wasting any time, Scott leave work going to Laura's house to try and get an idea on what has happen now that he is no longer Santa.

Ringing the doorbell, Laura answers the door. She was wearing a waitress outfit, her hair a mess, and bags under eye. Compared to herself in the correct timeline, she wasn't looking too great.

"Hey." Scott said, surprised to see her in such a sad state. "What are you doing here?" Laura asked. "Well, I just came over to see..." Scott trailed off, looking around unsure how to explain himself. "See what? Why on earth would you drag yourself all the way over here?"

"Is that Derek?" Charlie asked, coming down the stairs. "No. You're not going out tonight." Laura told him. "Yeah, okay." Charlie pulled the door open to see who it is. Seeing it's his father, Charlie looks surprise. "What is he doing here?"

"Came over to see you." Scott told him. "...Why?" Charlie asked, Scott shrugged. "Cause we don't see each other enough." He answered, as a car pulls up on the street behind him, honking the horn. "What?" Charlie asked, confused. "Come on, Charlie." His friend called from his car.

"I'm out of here." Charlie said, stepping out of the house. "Oh, come on, Charlie, it's Christmas Eve." Laura told him. "Like either of us care, Mom?" Charlie replied and walked off towards his friend's car. "Charlie." Scott called. "What?" Charlie asked, but kept walking, not even bothering to turn around. "Come back here. Charlie!"

"Good night, Scott." Laura said, grabbing the door about to shut it, but Scott stops her. "Wait, wait! Can you help me find (Name)?" He asked, Laura pulls the door open, looking at Scott like he was completely nuts. "(Name)? Why do you want to see her? None of us have spoken her in twelve years, ever since she graduated and went off to college."

"What? That's not possible." Scott said to himself. Laura raise an eyebrow at him, thinking he has lost his marbles. "Okay, what about Carol?" Scott asked next. "Carol?" Laura asked. "Carol Newman."

"Carol Newman, the principal of Charlie's school?" Laura asked. "Yeah. Do you know where she is?" He asked. "I don't know. She moved away. Ran out of local kids to terrify, I guess. I don't know. What is the matter with you?"

Scott place his hand over his mouth in thought, until he got an idea. "Neil. Neil and Lucy, they'll understand. Where are they?" He asked, Laura gives another 'are you serious' look. "At the North Pole." She answered. "At the North Pole?" Scott repeated, confused. Laura grab a magazine from a near by dresser and hands it to Scott. "Yeah. The North Pole."

The magazine read, THE NORTH POLE RESORT. "Frost." Scott said Quietly to himself. "What?" Laura asked. "Frost turned the North Pole into a theme park." Scott explained, holding up the magazine. Laura rolled her eyes, not understand a word he was saying. "Neil has been taking Lucy to the North Pole ever since he and I got our divorce, remember?"

Scott shook his head at this. "Divorce?" He walks off towards his car. "Are you sure you should be driving?" Laura asked him, Scott turn back to look at her. "I'm gonna make everything okay. I'm gonna make everything better." Laura is unphased by this statement. "Yeah. Okay."

Scott on the plane a flew to the North Pole to confront Jack and get his life back. Arriving at the Pole, Scott stop to see the horror around him. The elves are miserable, everyone's pushing a shoving to buy things, the reindeers are being mistreated. It's nothing like the North Pole he knows and loves.

Scott walked around trying to make sense of this new world, when he sees someone familiar. Bernard scooping up reindeer droppings in the petting zoo. Scott's eyes lit up at the familiar face, he rushed over stopping at the fence that separates them. "Bernard!"

The Santa Clause 2 & 3: Santa's Little Helper (Bernard x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now