Elf Son-In-Law

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After delivering all the presents, Scott and (Name) return to the Pole. With the Mrs. Clause and Christmas behind them, everyone can finally relax... everyone but Bernard who's got one thing on his mind.

"I was really worried we weren't gonna make it this year." (Name) said walking into her room, with Bernard following her. "I said it would work at in the end." Bernard said, looking at ground nervously.

"Yeah, I know. How do you always know what to say?" (Name) asked, turning to him with a smile. Bernard let's out a short chuckle. "That's not always the case. Like uh... right now I'm a bit unsure what to say." He admitted, (Name) crossed her arms confused. "What do you mean?"

"Well..." Bernard put his hands behind his back as he strolled over to (Name). "Hearing your father's proposal and seeing wedding... it's... it's got me thinking a lot. A lot about us." He explained. (Name's) eyes widen in realization as she uncrossed her arms. "R-really?"

Bernard step closer grab her her hands. "(Name)..." He gets down on one knee. "I've never love anyone as much as I love you. I can't even imagine the possibility of being without you. Will you marry me?"

(Name) smiles, tears of joy welling up in her eyes. "Of course I will." Bernard smiles, leaping to his feet and scooping (Name) up in his arms. He does a little spin with (Name) before he brings her down for a kiss.

Keeping her word, (Name) spend New Years Eve with Charlie. But on New Years Day, Charlie came back to the Pole with her for the wedding. Seeing how there's no deadline this time, the elves were able to put together a real wedding for (Name) and Bernard.

Carol, Abby, and some other female elves were helping (Name) get ready in her room. "You look beautiful, (Name)." Judy told her, (Name) smiles a little. "Thanks."

"Something wrong?" Carol asked, as she brushes (Name's) hair. "I guess I'm just a little nervous. It's all happening..." She admitted. "Happening so fast?" Carol asked, with a smirk. "...Yeah."

Carol set the brush down, turning the seat so (Name) would face her. "(Name), I want you to look into my eyes." Carol said, leaning down so they could lock eyes. "What do you see?"

(Name), stares into Carol's eyes, unsure. "Light... and warmth." Carol smiles. "It's you're future. I know we haven't known each other long... but I know I've never seen a more happy couple than you and Bernard. You two belong together."

(Name) smiles at Carol, grateful for her words. "Thank you... Mom." Carol looks taken aback by this but smiles and hugs (Name). "Okay... don't make me cry. It'll ruin my mascara." She said making (Name) laugh.

Meanwhile Charlie and Curtis were helping Bernard in Scott's room. "Is it hot in here? I feel really sweaty and warm!" Bernard said as he paced back-and-forth in the room. "It's the same temperature it always is." Curtis told him. "You're just having cold feet, Bernard. I heard it's normal." Charlie told him, trying to help Bernard calm down.

"Cold feet? Why would I have cold feet?! I love (Name)! There's nothing else I want to do than but marry her! Why would want to back out of that?!" Bernard asked, stopping to look at Charlie. "I don't know. Maybe you're worried she'll say no, or something will go wrong, or you think you're not good enough for her."

Bernard looks at the floor, thinking of what Charlie said. "Perhaps you're right. (Name), so beautiful and... she's just my everything. She deserves the best." Bernard explained.

"If you won't marry her, I will." Curtis said, causing the two to turn and look at him. Charlie looks surprise while Bernard is angry. "What? She's pretty." Curtis admits, blushing a little.

Bernard shook his head and look back at Charlie. "I just want her to be happy." He said, looking unsure. Charlie smiles, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Bernard... there's no one else more perfect for her than you. She'll be happy." Hearing these words, Bernard smiles at Charlie. Grateful for his words of encouragement.

Finally the moment for the ceremony came. (Name) stood in the workshop, holding a bouquet. She looked down at the flowers, looking sick to her stomach. "You okay?" Scott asked his daughter. "It's really hot in here." She said. "It's the North Pole." Scott said, not feeling warm at all. "Well I feel hot!"

Scott laughs, patting her on the back. "You're just nervous. I'm gonna let you in on a little secret." Scott leans down to whisper to her. "You're gonna be really nervous but... as soon as you lay eyes on him. All that nervousness is gonna wash away."

"Really?" (Name) asked, looking at her father. "Really really. I've been married three times now so I know what I'm talking about." Scott said making his daughter laugh a little. "But listen. I'm really happy for you (Name)." Scott told her, smiling. (Name) smiles up at her father, before giving him a hug. "Thanks Dad."

Music started playing signaling it's time. The father and daughter pull apart from the hug and Scott held his arm out. (Name) grab it and they walk towards the door that lead outside.

Each step (Name) took, she felt a wave of anxiety get bigger and bigger until... the doors open and at the end of the aisle she could see Bernard. The two locked eyes at each of their anxious feelings washed away. All they felt now was love they feel for each other.

Scott and (Name) walked down the aisle, everyone smiling, some were already wiping their eyes. Reaching the end of the aisle, Scott gave (Name) away to Bernard. The two shared smile before Scott took his seat next to Carol. (Name) and Bernard smiles at each other, before they turn to face Mother Nature.

"I didn't think I'd be doing this again so soon." She said making some people laugh. "We are all gather here today to see (Name) Calvin and Bernard Krumholtz be joined in holy matrimony. If anyone here believe these two should not be wed, speak now."

"I ob..." Jack stood up to stop the wedding. But he was quickly knock out by Sandman blowing sand on him and putting him to sleep. Jack fell back into his seat, snoring. Everyone stared at him for a moment before getting back to the wedding.

"Bernard please say your vows." (Name) handed her Bouquet to Judy, and face Bernard taking both his hands and staring into his eyes.

"(Name), you are my person, my inspiration, my love and my everything. I cannot wait to spend a lifetime loving you. I want to spend every waking moment, making you smile and laugh. And at night I want to go to sleep holding you in my arms, until morning comes when I can do it all over again. Nothing will tears apart. Nothing. I promise you that."

"Bernard... I use to be a very gloomy person. But then I met you and you completely changed that. You made me smile and laugh like I haven't done in years. I don't know how I got so lucky but I do know there's no one I rather spend forever with. I never want to leave your side."

The two smile at each other. Scott sniffs and wipes away a tear as Carol pats him on the knee. "Exchange the rings. Bernard took the rings from Curtis, slipping (Name) ring on her finger and she puts his ring on his finger.

They both smile as they look at Mother Nature. "By the powers vested in me by me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may..." (Name) grabs Bernard, dipping him down before she pressed her lips again his.

"Oh never mind." Mother Nature said to herself with an amusing smile, as everyone starts clapping and cheering. (Name) and Bernard broke from the kiss, standing back up and smiling at each other.

Despite their nerves in the beginning, Bernard and (Name) are happy to spend the rest of their lives together as husband and wife. They're looking forward to what ever the future brings.

The Santa Clause 2 & 3: Santa's Little Helper (Bernard x Female Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora