Trying To Keep Everything From Falling Apart

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(Name) and Jack enter the kitchen, where Scott, Carol, and the In-Laws just coincidentally happen to be there as well. "Heaven's sakes, you must be the in-laws. So very pleased to meet you." Jack said, with a grin as he shakes Sylvia's hand. "Hi."

"Bud, Sylvia, this is..." Scott started. "Jack Frost." The Legendary Figure said, introducing himself. "No, not Jack Frost. He's playing Jack Frost in our 'Yippee, it's Canada!' parade." Scott told them, using another lie to cover up the truth.

"Oh, yes, of course. To bring frosty cheer to the workers. I'm kind of like the team mascot, eh? Rah rah!" Jack said, going along with the lie. "Who does your hair?" Bud asked. "You like it? It's... I freeze-dry it."

"And this is my daughter (Name)." Scott said, introducing Carol's parents to their step grandchild. "Hi (Name)." Sylvie said, grabbing (Name) to shake it. "Carol told us a lot about you." The woman said with a kind smile. "About the only thing she does tell us." Bud muttered under his breath.

"Bud." Sylvie said in a stern tone, turning to look at her husband. "What? She doesn't tell us anything about Canada or her husband but she goes on and on about a kid that isn't even her's!" An awkward silent tension fell over everyone. No one even dared to speak after that, not even Jack.

"Sir, can I borrow you?" Curtis asked, entering the kitchen and freeing everyone from the tension Bud created. "Yeah! Excuse me just a minute." Scott goes over to Curtis so the two can whisper.

When they were done, Scott turn to look at Carol and her parents. "We have a small paperwork problem." He said, Carol rolled her eyes at this, not surprised. "You go right ahead." Jack told him, and the two headed off to the workshop.

"I'll make sure everyone's as happy as a lark. For that's why I'm here, eh?" Jack turn to (Name), Carol, and the in-laws. "Cocoacchinos, anyone?"

Jack made two cups of Cocoacchinos, once he was done he blew ice onto the machine, freezing it. He walk towards the table, passing by (Name), Carol, and Bud. "Kitchen this size, I can't find a sandwich." Bud complained.

Jack said an elf pushing a cart and reach down to shove it in front of another elf, carrying boxes. "Oh. Oh, let me help you there." The elf crashes into the cart, dropping the boxes. Everyone near by scrambled to help clean up the mess. "Oh, for heaven... How does something like that happen? Oh, dear." Jack back into the stove, turning the knob to max before heading to the table, where Sylvie was.

"All this kitchen has is sweets. Don't anyone of you eat any real food?" Bud asked, walking off on his own. Carol and (Name) stop, watching him complain more and more about the kitchen. "So uh... you mind sharing why you only tell you parents about me?" (Name) asked, turning to her step mother. "I... well... you'll the closest thing here that reminds me of home. You look like one of my students when I was still a principal." Carol explained.

"Well... that makes sense, since my age did freeze so I'm kinda stuck looking like a student. But I don't get why you couldn't tell them about Dad. I mean there's more to him than just Santa. Like uh... he loves Home Improvement, he always wanted a sheepdog and uh... oh did you know he used to have Dan Aykroyd as a neighbor?"

"I know there's more to him than Santa. I love those other things just as much as I love the Santa part of him... but I don't know how to talk about him without mentioning the Santa parts." Carol let out a heavy sigh, placing her hands on her belly. "It's gonna get even harder when the baby's born. I can't keep her away from her grandparents but her grandparents can't know who her father really is."

(Name) frown, looking at Carol's bump. It's really no wonder Carol's so stressed. Anyone would in her position, especially if they're having a baby. It makes (Name) wonder how the previous Mrs. Claus were able to deal with it. Did they still see their family or did they just shut them out of their lives forever.... Somehow this got very depressing.

The Santa Clause 2 & 3: Santa's Little Helper (Bernard x Female Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz