Under House Arrest

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Bernard was tied up in Scott's arm chair with ribbon. (Name) was tied up in Scott's desk chair with ribbon as well. Toy Santa enters the room carrying the Little Helper hat. He walk over to where the couple was tie up, stopping in front of them. "So! Turns out this hat is broken!" Toy Santa throws the hat onto the floor next to (Name).

"The other elves told me only you can wear it, which makes zero sense since you're a human." Toy Santa explained leaning in close to (Name's) face. "I told you before I am an elf!" (Name) barked back, glaring at the toy. "No... you're... NOT!" Toy Santa rip off the earmuffs on her head, revealing her human ears underneath. "See! Those are human ears if I ever seen one. And human do not belong in the North Pole."

"This is (Name's) home! She belongs here just as much as every other elf!" Bernard told the toy, glaring at him. "Nah-huh! According to the Santa Handbook...." Toy Santa started, causing (Name) to let out an annoyed groan. "Oh would you just shut up about the Santa Handbook! Not every single rule needs to be followed to a T! Yeah, I'm a human but I'm still the Little Helper, and you're just a piece of plastic! YOU ARE A TOY!"

"And you are a sad strange little girl. Who's trying to ruin Christmas! I now have to deliver all the coal by myself without a Little Helper!" Toy Santa explained. "You can't do that! You'll make every child of the world miserable and kill the spirit of Christmas!" Bernard told him.

"If children didn't want coal for Christmas then they wouldn't have done anything naughty in the first place!" Toy Santa said, walking towards the exit. "They're just kids. They need Christmas just as much as Christmas needs them!" (Name) told the Toy. Toy Santa covers his plastic ears as he walked to the door. "La la la la! I can't hear you. I'm right, you're WRONG!" Toy Santa exited the room, slamming the door shut behind him.

(Name) wiggled in her chair trying to get, but it was a useless attempt and she let out a frustrated yell of defeat. "(Name)..." Bernard called, his girlfriend slowly turn her head to look at him. "You said Curtis got away right? There's still hope."

(Name) smiles a little. "You always talk about hope and fate. How do you keep it up?" She asked, making Bernard chuckle lightly. "Christmas all about fate and hope. I wouldn't be the Head Elf if I didn't believe in either one."

The two smile at each other, wishing they could embrace one another. But that's kind of hard to do when you're tied up. "You'll see... everything will workout in the end.

Meanwhile... Curtis finally reach Laura and Neil's house where he crash into a pile of snow upon landing. Quickly recovering from the crash, he took off his helmet running to the door and pressing the doorbell button. He dusted some snow off of him, while he waits. Finally the door is open by Lucy, Charlie's six year old half sister.

"Is Ssssssss... Scott here?" He asked, able to resist the urge to call him Santa. "Who are you?" Lucy asked. "Uh... Curtis, a friend from... Buffalo." The elf answered. "Are you an elf?" The little girl asked, making him laugh. "Of course not! Why would you ask such a silly question?"

"How come you have pointy ears?" She asked, looking at his ears. "It's... because I never ate my green vegetables." Curtis leans in close. "Do you eat your green vegetables?" Lucy reach for her ears under her hair, before she looks frighten. "Uncle Ssssscott!"

Lucy ran into the living room, Curtis enters the house shutting the door behind him and following after Lucy. "Yeah, I'm right here. What's wrong?" Scott came out of the kitchen, surprise to see Curtis. "Oh... Curtis! What are you doin' here?"

"There's a little trouble at the... plant." Curtis answered. Scott's eyes widen and he grabs Lucy leaning down slightly to her level. "It's okay. Curtis is a very old friend. We have a large, uh... firm. We work together in... uh..." Scott look at Curtis, who whispers Buffalo. "Buffalo?"

Scott gives a 'really' look before he turn looking at Lucy again. "We work together in Buffalo. So... we're gonna talk business." He told the little girl. "What business?" Lucy asked. "We'll it's business that's none of your business." Scott told her.

"Soon I'm gonna be seven. And then I can know things. Good night, Curtis." Lucy said, heading to her room. "Good night, Lucy." Curtis told her. "Night, Lucy." They waited a few seconds, giving Lucy a chance to get upstairs before they can discuss what's going on.

"What's up?" Scott asked. "Toy Santa's gone completely out of control! He's locked up the elves, shut down the workshop, he thinks everybody's naughty and he's gonna give everyone coal!"

"Why didn't (Name) or Bernard tell me?" Scott asked, surprise Curtis came here alone. "Bernard under house arrest." Curtis answered. "Bernard?! What about (Name)?" Scott asked, becoming anxious about his daughter's fate.

"I don't know. Last time I saw her, she made a way for me to escape while she stood back to get caught. You gotta fly back with me to the North Pole to save Christmas!" Curtis explained. "I can't. I have no magic left." Scott said, showing off his watch so Curtis can see it's at zero. "I'm out of magic. Look."

"Grrrr! I thought you had Comet." Curtis said.  "Yeah, we..." Scott and Curtis smiles, realize they have a way back after all. "Yes! Come on!" The two ran outside to the backyard where the reindeer has been living.

"Hey, Comet. We just..." Scott and Curtis came to a stop, staring at the sight of a blowed up Comet surrounded by empty candy wrappers. Comet was so fat now, he couldn't even stand anymore. "Comet?" The reindeer turn his head, moving Candy wrappers as he dragged his head to look away. "Comet." Scott and Curtis walk over to the reindeer, with Scott kneeling down. "Look at me. Comet...!"

The reindeer groans as he finally turn his head to look at Scott. "What are ya doin'? Eating sugar is bad for you." Comet gabbles in response. "What do you mean, you didn't eat this?" Comet gabbles again. "Who did?" Comet gabbles once more.

"A squirrel?! Well get this. You gotta fly both of us back to the North Pole." Scott explains, Comet gabbles in response. "Yeah, tonight." Comet groans. "Okay. I'll help you up." Scott stood up, going to Comet's side.

"All right? Ready? You've got to help me a little here." Scott tries to lift Comet up as the reindeer groans, attempting to get up but it was useless. "Pull." Scott and Comet grunt in pain until they finally gave up.

"Ai! Gah! Good. Okay, we almost got it. That's okay." Scott moves to kneel down in front of Comet again. "Okay, now, help me. Can ya move anything?" Comet gives a long groan and Scott quickly realize what's about to happen.

"Fire in the hole! Get away!" He told Curtis pulling him away from the reindeer right before he let out a loud and smelly fart. Comet let's out a sigh of relief, while the other wave their hands to get rid of the smell. "Whoa! Eat some roughage, will you?!"

Seeing how Comet not going anywhere, Scott try to think of another way to get to the Pole. "Okay um... Oh, what about the jet pack?" He asked Curtis who smiles nervously. "It kinda burned up on reentry." Scott put his hands on his hips, at a lost of what to do now. "What am I supposed to do? Grow wings?"

(Disney really needs to release the house arrest deleted scene in the extras of Santa Clause 2 on Disney+. Cause I really want to know how that scene went and it's not among the other deleted scenes on the DVD.)


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The Santa Clause 2 & 3: Santa's Little Helper (Bernard x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now