Toy Santa

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After the meeting, Scott met up with the trio, giving them a run do on everything. During the meeting Scott had told the Legendary Figures about his situation and Father Time had mentioned that he couldn't be in two places at once... sparking an idea from Curtis.

"Maybe you can be." Curtis said, with a smirk. "Okay, everyone, can I get the room for a minute?" All the elves in the room stop what they were doing, to leave giving Scott and the trio some privacy. "Thank you. Can I just...? One minute. Take a cocoa break. Have a nice long break. Relax, everyone. I want to show Santa some improvements on the pantograph. Thanks."

Once all the elves were gone, Curtis closed the doors. "Walk with me. I've tripled the RAM and reconfigured the circuitry." Curtis explained, as he walked up to his cloning machine. "I see you've externalised the power source to make better use of the electromagnetic energy."

"No, it's just there cause it looks really cool." Curtis replied, as he begins playing with the controls. "Yeah, it does." Scott said with a chuckle, before he noticed the ram was bigger... big enough for a person. "Wait a minute. You tripled the RAM. I see where this is going. I am not getting in that machine."

"How do you know this will even work? We've never tested it on anything living before." (Name) brought up. "Besides, creating a copy of Santa won't solve our problems. It would be a toy." Bernard added. "The elves' will know." Scott added as well. "But this would be a special toy!" Curtis told them. "How's that, Curtis?"

"I added a fuzzy logic circuit. The duplicate will look and think just like you. When you're with your family, dealing with Charlie, looking for a wife..." Curtis explained. "The toy will be up here melting in front of my fireplace." Scott said. "No, the toy Santa will be dealing with business up here!"

"We can deal with business up here." Bernard said, quickly cutting into the conversation. He never approved of making copy of toys, but making a copy of Santa?! It's insane!

"Yeah, it's part of the Little Helper's duty to take over for Santa when he's gone." (Name) added, not liking this idea any better than Bernard. "Every other time sure. But now that we're preparing for Christmas, we need a Santa at the Pole more than ever." Curtis explained.

Bernard walk over to Scott, who was staring at the machine in thought. "Santa, if the elves find out we've made a switch..." He then gasp, putting both hands on his cheeks. "No! No! This machine is not the answer!"

Suddenly they hear a clatter followed by a mouse squeaking. Everyone look down in time to see a mouse start crawling along the railing of the conveyor belt. "Hey! Hey! Hey! You! You! Shoo!" Curtis yelled at the mouse, to get it off his machine. However the mouse crawled onto the conveyor belt causing the machine to start of up as the mouse ran inside.

"Hold on. Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Everyone ran around to the other side, to see if the mouse would survive. The door of the machine open, spilling smoke into the room. The mouse ran down the conveyor belt followed by a toy copy of itself. Curtis smiles at the toy mouse as it follows after it's flesh brother. Bernard and (Name) look at the mouse pair than at each other, in shock.

"Look, you can't get much better than that. And I promise... it won't hurt a bit." Curtis said to Scott, who was still thinking it over. After that demonstration, his mind was made up. "I'm goin' in." He answered with two thumbs up. "What?!" (Name) asked, dropping her jaw while Curtis smiles. "I can't watch this!" Bernard said, placing his hands on his head.

Scott and Curtis ran back around to the other side, with Scott stepping onto the conveyor belt. Bernard goes into a corner, with his back turn towards the machine. "Dad, are you sure you want to do this? There's gotta be a better solution here." (Name) said, standing next to the RAM.

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