Be Careful What You Wish For

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(Name), Carol, Laura, Neil, and Sylvie were decorating the tree Carol picked out earlier in the day. "While I'm up here, do you want me to put on the tree topper?" Laura asked Carol, standing on the steps to help her decorate the top of the tree.

"Mind if we save it for Scott? He always puts the tree topper on." Carol said, making Laura smile as she remembers her Christmases with Scott. "Of course." Sylvie takes out a Santa ornament that made her pause. "It's strange how much this resembles..." Carol turn away making a fact.

"Hi, honey, I'm back." Scott said, entering the room. "Oh, honey, are you okay?" Carol asked him. "Great. Good news is I get to spend time with you guys." Not even a second pass when Curtis enter the room with a couple of elves, wrapped up in the Naughty Or Nice list. "Sir. Sorry to interrupt."

Scott and (Name) walked over to Curtis to see what's wrong. "There's something you need to check twice." Curtis whisper. Scott stammers as he turns around to look at Carol. "Two minutes?"

Carol frowns, watching Scott go out into the hall with the elves. "What? What?" Scott asked. "Well for starters you need to check the list twice." Curtis started, Scott snatched up part of the list from one of the elves. "This is unreadable." He said, turning to Curtis. "That's because it's crinkled up. You gotta flatten it out." (Name) said.

"Where's Bernard? Why isn't he handling this?" Scott asked looking around. "He left." Curtis answered. "What?!" Scott and (Name) asked in unison. "Left. He just did that disappear thing he does! Said he be back before we have to deliver the gifts."

"Why didn't he run that by us first?" Scott asked, Curtis could only shrug. "Okay... fix the list and have it in my office. I'll read it before we have to leave tonight." Scott told Curtis handing him back part of the list he's holding. "Right away San... I mean sir."

Meanwhile Lucy was skipping through the workshop with her new magic snow globe. When she stop in front of the vending machine room, seeing Jack with Scott's snow globe. "That's Uncle Scott's snow globe. You're not supposed to have that." She told him, entering the room.

"I know. Isn't it great?" Jack asked with a mischievous grin. "It's not great at all. You've done a terrible thing. You'll be on the naughty list the rest of your life." Lucy told him. "But naughty list people have more fun." Jack told her.

"I'm going for help." Lucy turn and ran out of the room. "I wouldn't do that." Jack told her, but she ignored him and look around someone familiar. She soon spotted her parents walking through the workshop. "Mom, Dad! Over here, quick!"

"Lucy! What's wrong?" Hearing their daughter cry Laura and Neil ran up the stairs reach her. "Come on, hurry!" Lucy ran into the vending machine room with her parents right behind her. "Sweetheart, what is it?" As soon as everyone was inside, Jack closed the door making Laura and Neil jump.

"I told you not to do that." Jack told Lucy, who continue to ignored him. "Jack Frost took Uncle Scott's snow globe and he knows that it's not his." Before Laura and Neil could do anything, Jack's face turn blue as he blew snow and ice onto the couple.

Lucy screams and watches in horror as her a parents back into the closet. "STOP! STOP! DON'T!" When Jack finally stop, Laura and Neil were frozen solid. "What did you do?" Lucy asked, as Jack turn to look at her. "I froze them."

Jack takes a deep breath, turning his face blue again, preparing to freeze Lucy but he stops. "Now, am I gonna have to do the same thing to you? Or are you going to get into that closet and stay there without saying a word?"

Lucy look at Jack then her frozen parents. Slowly, she walks into to the closet, to stand next to her parents. "Smart girl." Jack walk over grabbing the doors. "Oh, smile, will you?I've had kids beg me to freeze their parents. And to think I asked you to be my elf." Jack closed the doors, locking Lucy inside.

The Santa Clause 2 & 3: Santa's Little Helper (Bernard x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now