Don't Let It Get To Zero

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"Hold still!" (Name) told Comet the reindeer, as she attempted to put his reins on. Comet grumbles, turning his head away. "Comet, because I don't want to take Prancer. I want to take a trip with you." Scott told the magical creature, putting his arm around him

"When's the last time we had a cruise? I love you, buddy. Besides, Prancer had too many apples. We know what that means." Scott told the reindeer who whines. "There!" (Name) said, after she strapped the reins in place. "See that wasn't so hard. No need to act like a baby." Comet let's out a frustrated noise. "Yeah, I love you too."

Bernard enter the stables, running over to join Scott and (Name). "Before you go, take a look at your watch." The Head Elf told Scott, handing him the watch. "Hey! Can't go anywhere without that." Scott said, holding the watch up to see the changes done to it.

"I've done some work on it." Bernard told him. "It's beautiful. It really is." Scott said, amazed by the new design and feature. "You like it?" Bernard asked. "I love it! The workmanship's fabulous. I love the little burnish stuff."

"You were always good with your hands." (Name) told her boyfriend, turning to him with a loving smile. Bernard sheepishly smiles back as he begins to blush. The Head Elf then remember why he change the watch in the first place and tries to stay on topic. "It has a power reserve that measures how much magic you have left. It's at ten now."

"That should be enough." Scott said, putting the watch on his right wrist. "But if you use up any magic for any reason the level drops... Santa, if it gets to zero you won't be able to return to the Pole." (Name) looks worried by this news. Comet turn his head to look at Scott. "Uh-oh."

Scott gestures for the two elves to lean in as he does so himself. "Then let's not let it get to zero!" Scott whisper to his #1 Elf and daughter. "Now, look at me." Bernard said, putting his hand on Scott's shoulder. "Mm-hm?"

"What's the most important thing?" He asked Scott, who thinks for a moment. "For you not to touch Santa?" Scott asked, causing Bernard to take his hand off him. "For you to come back!" He said chuckling.

"Say hi to everyone for me." (Name) told her father as she hands him his gloves. "You know one of these days, you'll have to come with for a visit. Lucy, is always asking about you." Scott said, putting his gloves on.

"Hey, someone got keep an eye on things here. Maybe you should bring them here for a visit." (Name) suggested. Bernard bite the bottom of his lip as he turn his head slightly. "I don't know about that." He said, not very pleased by the idea of that. "We'll see." Scott said.

Comet grumbles again in annoyance. "Comet, please just chill out a little bit, okay? Come on! It's not like we're pullin' the sleigh. Right?" Scott said, as he climbs onto the reindeer. "There's no packages. It's one stop. And I think I might have forgot we're gonna go see Charlie." Hearing this, Comet let out a sound of excitement and galloped to the end where he leap off with joy, flying up to the exit of the Pole.

(Name) and Bernard watch from the stables as Scott leaves, in his quest to deal with Charlie, find a wife, and save Christmas. "Are you alright, (Name)?" Bernard asked his girlfriend, turning to her with a look of concern.

"Yeah, I'm okay. I mean the worse that can happen is Dad doesn't get hitched in time and we both stay humans forever. Not to mention you and I will have to probably say goodbye to each other forever!" (Name) explained, Bernard stares at her for a moment, in shock. "When you put it that way... this does seem a lot worse than I originally thought."

"I'm sorry, Bernard. I just..." (Name) let out a heavy sigh as she took a seat on a nearby box, looking at the ground in defeat. "I don't want to give up my life in the North Pole. I love it up here and I love you! I don't want to say goodbye to it."

Bernard kneel down in front of (Name), taking her hands in his. "You won't. I trust your Father will be able to find a wife in time." He said, in a gentle tone. (Name's) eyes remain glued to the ground, as she begins to think of the possibilities of Scott not finding a wife in time.

She lifted her head, to look at Bernard with a frighten look in her eyes. It broke Bernard's heart to see her like this. "What will happen to you and the other elves if he doesn't? What if you all disappear along Christmas?"

Bernard open his mouth to respond but quickly closed it. He hadn't thought of that possibility. If Christmas disappears... then there would be no need for elves. Somehow this situation has gotten even worse.

"I'm not sure... but what ever happens." Bernard let's go of one of (Name's) hand to place his hand on her cheek, gently rubbing his thumb against her skin. "I want you to know that you are the best thing that ever happen to me."

(Name) bite down on her lip, wanting to cry. This whole thing is so messed up. Since moving to the Pole, her life has greatly improved. She never been so happy in her life and now... now it's all going to get ripped away if Scott can't get married before Christmas Eve! It's not fair!

(Name) closed her eyes and leans her head against his, Bernard relaxes into her. "I'm scared, Bernard." She admitted. Bernard closed his eyes as well, wishing there was more he could do to comfort, her. But all he had were words and hope that Scott will be able to pull off such a difficult task. "I know... I am too, Snowbell."

The Santa Clause 2 & 3: Santa's Little Helper (Bernard x Female Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin