The First Red Flag

Start from the beginning

"Let me show you." The two then walked out, to point out all the mistakes in the Workshop."There's many things. Look here..." Bernard and (Name) watch Toy Santa, feeling unease about him once again. "I hope Dad's having better luck on his end."

Meanwhile... "The best thing about singing at Christmas. Is the cocoa, caroling and fun..." A woman named Tracy sings, in a restaurant causing some people near by to glance over. "You know that one? I know that song." Scott said quietly, hoping she would stop now. But Tracy just kept singing. "Whoah-oh-oh! Go totally yuletide. Takin' a sleigh ride!"

"You're good." Scott told her. Suddenly Tracy jump out of her chair to start dancing, going into full performer mode now. This cause everyone in the restaurant to stop and stare, making it even more awkward. "Santa shirts, reindeer skirts. Whoah-oh-oh!"

"Hey!" Scott said, still smiling but he felt very uncomfortable now. "Watchin' the windows fog drinkin' some eggnog. Whoah-oh-oh! Fill up a stocking. Spray on some flocking. PUT UP A TREE! SPORTS ON TV! Uh, whoah-oh-oh! I want to be free yeah, to feel the way I feel. Ah, ah, ah, ah. Man! I feel like some Christmas. Oh-oh, wow wow wow!"

Scott gives a uncomfortable smile, thankful the song is finally over. Tracy laughs retaking her seat, waiting for Scott's thought. However Scott didn't give the reaction she was hoping for. "Whew!"

"You hated it?" She asked, dropping her smile. "It kind of scared me a little bit." He admitted, Tracy was not pleased with that answer. "No, I just. I... I just... I wasn't prepared for a performance, so if l..." Tracy grab her coat and purse, slipping them both on. "I put myself out and that was not an easy thing to do. If you can't support a woman's ambition, then I don't think there's any reason to continue this date." She then takes her leave, with Scott left to eat alone.

Returning to the Laura and Neil's house, Scott went to Charlie's room, knocking on the door before letting himself in. "Dad?" Charlie said, surprised to see him back so soon. "Hey Sport."

"How's it go?" Charlie asked, sitting up in his bed. "Well... Let's just say I'm not booking a church yet." Scott said with a chuckle, as he takes a seat on the edge of the bed. "Boy, I'll tell ya, woman are hard to figure out."

"Tell me about it." Charlie said. "You too, huh? Girl trouble?" Scott asked him. "Well, there's this one girl. We just used to be friends and hang out at the mall and stuff like that. Then one day, I looked at her, and I got this weird feeling in the pit of my stomach. I started worrying about what to wear and what my hair looked like. And then I wanted to kiss her."

Scott gasped and place his hand over his mouth playfully. "How did she do that?" Charlie asked, making Scott smile. "I don't know. But they all can do that. Even (Name)."

"She use to be really mean. But then she and Bernard got together and she changed..." Charlie started. "Oh yeah. A whole lot." Scott said with a chuckle. "Am I going to change too?" Charlie asked. "A little. But it's okay. That right someone can make you change for the better. No better examples with you're sister." Charlie nodded, remember all the mean and bratty things (Name) use to do.

Scott's eyes lit up when he spotted the snow globe Charlie got when he was seven, sitting on a shelf above his bed. "Look at that. The snow globe!" He said reaching for the globe, picking it up. "This is so beautiful. I remember when Bernard gave this to you."

"He said all I have to do to see you or (Name) is shake it." Charlie said, repeating Bernard's words like he said them yesterday. "Now, all you gave to do is yell down the hall. And I'm there whenever you need me."

"Yeah..." Charlie said quietly. "I'm a little tired, Dad. I'll see you in the morning." The teenage suddenly said, turning over to lay on his side. "...Okay." Scott said quietly, feeling a disconnect with his son now.

"Night." Charlie told him. "Good night." Scott stood up, setting the snow globe back on the shelf. "Can you turn the light off, please?" Charlie asked, pointing at the lap on his nightstand. "Yeah, cause it's such a big reach for you!" Scott turn off the light and exited Charlie's room, returning to the guest room for the night.

Charlie closer his eyes, trying to get some sleep, but it wasn't working out. He let out a groan, turning over to turn his light back on. He sits up taking the snow globe off the shelf, watching the snow inside fly around.

Charlie looks over at photos he's tape to the wall above his shelf, eyeing one of his eight year old self and (Name). He look back down at the globe, giving it a shake. After waiting a couple minutes he gives it another shake. Nothing.

Charlie closed his eye, letting out a heavy breath. He set the globe back on the shelf, flipping the light off and burying his face into his pillow. Sounds of muffled crying can be heard.

The Santa Clause 2 & 3: Santa's Little Helper (Bernard x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now