"My mother's name was Misty," I finally spoke to break the silence.

"That's a beautiful name," Aurora said softly.

"She would've liked you," I told her, and she smiled. "She would've liked all of you..."

I missed her so much... The rogues who killed her stole everything from me. We all lost everything in that one night. They even stole my father from me.

"This is it," Rayleigh said and stopped in the middle of the pathway.

I saw a big barn in the distance. I could smell my pack. I could hear their voices. I smiled when I heard a chuckle.

I continued walking with Arch right next to me, the rest following us. My nervousness grew a little, but it wasn't anything I couldn't handle. It was my pack, after all. My pack, freed from evil, and finally able to heal from everything we had gone through.

I stopped in the middle of the doorway and peered in. I smiled at the sight of all the familiar faces. They were making food, chatting and joking around. There was so much life in them now.

"Hey guys," I said carefully, and each and every one of them turned to look at me.


"It's Jack!"

It was quite nerve-wracking to be suddenly surrounded by so many people when they all rushed to greet me with big smiles on their faces. Some of them even hugged me, but I stayed still without panicking. I was not giving in to the fear. Not anymore.

"They know you draw your power from the love of those you care about – your mate and your pack."

That was what Fenrir had said to me. I needed my pack, and being with them, being surrounded by them, made me feel stronger again.

"I'm sorry it took me this long to come see you guys," I said, and every one of them hurried to tell me they understood completely. "I've wanted to see how you guys are doing. You look so much better now."

I listened with a smile as they told me how they were doing. The barn was really cozy, and I quickly found out they would be getting their own homes soon right here in this territory.

"I mean, if that is what you want," Rai added, giving me a careful look. "Are you... I mean... We know how you feel about taking the leadership, but we all want you to know that you are our one and only true Alpha."

Damn, that sounded so scary... But not too scary.

"I do have a reason to come here now. We are all in danger, and we need to grow strong again. Our pack is small, and we've been through a lot, but I'm afraid we still have to fight," I spoke.

"We are ready to fight," Pierce said, and the rest of them nodded. "We refuse to hide in the corner while those who did this to us are still out there, destroying our world. We want to fight, preferably by your side."

I had to be the youngest in this pack, and yet they still treated me like wasn't just a stupid little runt...

"Then there is something I need to do first," I said, and turned to Rayleigh again. "I'd like to speak to my father."

The rest of them, Aurora, Arch, Oliver, Jaden, and Tilly, seemed shocked, but Rayleigh probably had seen this coming.

"If you are certain," he said, choosing his words carefully not to discredit me in front of my pack.

"I am," I said calmly, the hatred towards my father rising inside me.

He nodded and turned to step outside the barn, but I stopped him.

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