Renegade Origin

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"oh, those two? They were just here a moment ago" the lady said caressing her cheek "the young man even bought the girl the most expensive hairpin for her."

"wow, that's smooth for my little brother" Todoroki grinned.

"be serious here!" I scolded as I turn to counter "do you know where they went?" I asked the lady.

"oh, they bought some crepe then sat the bench" the lady answer "but I think they went to the spot to watch the fireworks show."

"of course!" I said out loud "let's go Todoroki!" I pulled the back of his shirt as I drag him with me "Uwah! Come on Shimura the least let me buy some mochis!"

"shut up! We need to find our siblings!" I scolded.

Shoto's POV

I can see Yuki is excited at this firework show, but I just have to tell her. Stay calm Shoto its just me and her...

"Shoto? You seemed uncomfortable, are you ok?" Yuki worries.

"ah no, I'm just glad I get to see the firework show with you, Yuki" I said.

I lean closer to her "Yuki... I l-"

Before I could tell her the fireworks began to sprout out as it filled the skies in sparkled colors, Yuki's eyes focused upwards the eyes filled with hope. I felt a touch on my hand I look down seeing Yuki's hand is holding mines.

Tenko's POV

I kept staring at the distance seeing my little sister with Shoto sitting together watching the firework show.

"ufu, looks like things went well" Todoroki said.

I close my eyes "Todoroki, they're still young" I pointed.

"So? Shoto is a nice boy. He intends to make Yuki happy" Todoroki said in confidence "I'm pretty sure, he will in the future."

I glance at our younger siblings smiling, maybe I gues Yuki will be fine once she grows up to be a happy and a helpful person.

Shoto's POV

As soon as the fireworks show is over I took the lanterns out and gave one for Yuki "here Yuki, you make your own wish as soon as you release it" I said.

"Thanks Shoto" Yuki smiled but I notice her frown.

I felt my hear beating just by looking at her, deep in those eyes I can see she's a bit sad "Yuki, is there something?" I worried "I can tell something is bothering you."

"sorry Shoto, can I tell you a secret?" Yuki asked her eyes worried. I nodded "sure you can tell me" I said.

Yuki sigh "at home, my Dad hates heroes" she explains looking down "as you know, I dreamed to be a hero. But my Dad he kept discouraging me" she frown.

The night is very beautful but she's much beautiful she and I share the same dream to become a hero. But I know Yuki's quirk isn't fit for combat, so I know what I wish for this lantern.

"Yuki, listen to me" I said as Yuki look up to me "no matter how many discouragement your Dad tells you no matter what I'm here for you" I supported her "so please don't give up."

Yuki smiled as she shed a tear smiling wiping it off "thanks Shoto" she thanked me then turn to her lantern that is already lighted with my left "I gues I know what I wish for."

As we hold out our lanterns then we both released it as it float up together. I glance at her "what did you wish for Yuki?" I asked.

"I wish that your dream to come true Shoto" Yuki answer. "eh?!" I react "I thought you wish your dream to come true? Come on you didn't have too" I said.

Yuki giggles "its alright, whatever you wish for might come true someday" she smiled "so what did you wish for?" she asked.

"umm.. I-"


We both turn to see our big brothers walking towards us. Shimura Senpai stomp his way here then grab Yuki' shoulder "did you know we were worried for you two?!" he said out loud, "well I don't" Toya added.

After that Yuki and I part ways at the station, I can see she still wearing the hairpin I gave her. Oh..

My wish back then...

My wish is to protect and cherish Yuki.

Yuki's POV 13 year old at Juban High.

It has been a while Tenko-nii is in his last year at UA and soon to be a Pro-hero, and then Recovery Girl will train me to become hero to heal others too.

I'm glad that I have a guranteed path to become a hero.

I suddenly felt my phone vibrate it was a video chat I answer an it was "Shoto!" that surprised me.

"hey Yuki" Shoto wave.

"hey Shoto, what you up to?" I asked.

"hey Yuki, I was wondering if you wanna hang out with me later?" Shoto asked.

I nodded then smile "hm! Sure!" I accepted.

Shoto smiled "great, I'll pick you up later" he said.


"huh, what's going on?!" the student panic "an earthquake?!" some of them presume "No look!" they pointed outside an explosion.

I look at the window then dust exploded but then something emerged.


"a... a villain..."


That time I didn't realize what was going on, but that day changed everything.

"Now the Preview"

"ugh... what happened?"

"I can't believe you hired Muscular for this job"

"come on, more action means more screen time"


"please someone... help me..."

"poor Yuki Shimura, the heroes have hurt you..."

"you choose your name Yuki."

"I am Renegade, and I will Liberate Society from this Heroes filled with egoistic lies!"

"in the next chapter of the Reversal Arc, Darken Origin."

"Now Go Beyond! Plus Ultra!"

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