Part 4: The Princess and the Key - Chapter 1

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The Key's hunger was insatiable and kept increasing with every passing moment. The young god lost himself a few times as he ran from her territory, waking up with a cut or a bruise and a crystal or two with no memory of what happened and the Key satiated for the time being. He tried using the dagger on himself to stop its rampage, but it was now part of his soul and protected it, only giving him a temporary death. Not knowing what else to do or who else to turn to, he hurried back to his Uncle's palace to seek the older god's wisdom.

He arrived at the palace looking far too worse for wear, having opted to forego rest and sleep in favor of reaching his destination quicker. Entering the main hall, he saw his Uncle waiting for him.

The ancient Lord's smile faltered when he saw the young god's frazzled state and he immediately went to the younger god's side. "My boy, what's wrong? What happened to you?"

"Uncle, help me. Something's wrong with me," the young god said in a pained and exhausted voice.

"What is it, child? Tell me what happened."

"It's the Key. Why is it doing this? It's too powerful. Too hungry. It wants more."

"What do you mean, my boy? You need to tell me more."

The young god paced distractedly in front of his Uncle while trying to recall what happened to him. "Something happened to it after I killed her. It went inside me. I-It became a part of me." He grimaced and struck his forehead furiously with a fist. "I shouldn't have done that. I shouldn't have listened to her but she insisted." He ran a trembling hand through his hair and gripped the hem of his shirt tightly. "I think-- No, I know I killed more people but I don't remember doing it and the Key wants more." The young god grabbed his Uncle's arm and pleaded, "Help me, Uncle. Take it off me."

The ancient Lord frowned. "That's not supposed to happen."

The young god let go of his Uncle and took a step backwards at the unexpected reply. "What?"

"The Key was just supposed to bind itself to you, nothing more. It isn't supposed to have any more influence on you afterwards."

"What do you mean 'supposed to'?" The young god stared at his Uncle in disbelief. "Y-You knew? This-- This was your plan all along!"

The ancient Lord hesitated. "Yes," he said. He shifted and stood straighter. "I planned to give you the Key, not just lend it."

The young god took two more steps away from his Uncle. His mind was spinning from what was being revealed to him now and his voice rose with every word. "Y-You knew! You sent me after her just for this? You knew everything. What she meant to me! And yet... y-you did this! You made me kill her!"

The ancient Lord stayed in his place and stood firmly. He calmly said, "It was the only way. You wouldn't accept otherwise. I'm giving you something more powerful than anyone could ever have. I'm giving you something you can use to protect yourself."

The young god, unwilling to accept any explanation, continued to accuse the ancient Lord. "You knew. I can't believe you! I can't believe I kept trusting you!" He gave a hollow laugh and continued, his voice breaking as tears welled up in his eyes. "I already knew you were up to something. Why did I keep on trusting you?" He glared at his Uncle and gestured at the hall. "Were you just pretending to be nice to me all along just so you can use me and play me like a puppet? Was Vincent in on this too? He said he knew your plans. Were you both lying to me?"

The ancient Lord took all of the young god's accusations quietly and shook his head. "No. I'm not pretending, my boy. I just want what's best for you. Please don't blame Vincent. He only knows parts of the plan and is only doing what I tell him to. He really is fond of you. We never lied to you."

Zoombieverse - Memory 2: The KnifeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang