Part 3: The Princess - Chapter 7

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He woke up from a nightmare borne from the choices before him, but calmed down when he saw her sleeping next to him. He was relieved that he didn't disturb her sleep this time, and smiled when she draped an arm unconsciously on his chest and snuggled closer.

He tried to go back to sleep but the decision he had to make wouldn't let him. With nothing better to do, he gently pried off her arm and sat up, stroking her soft, feathery hair to soothe her when she whined sleepily at his loss. He summoned the Key and reconnected his mind with it to consult it.

I need to know what to do. Will you help me? One tug.

Then, tell me. I need to confirm what she said. Will you answer me? One tug.

The future. What she told me about it. Are they all true? No response.

Then, me. Me killing her. Will that always happen? No response.

You're not helping me. Help me! No response.

He scowled at the dagger in frustration and growled at it. He heard her stir beside him and glanced at her. She was still asleep and only shifted closer to him. He stroked her cheek to settle her down, taking the time to also calm himself down, before turning back to the Key.

Alright. Let's try again. Do you know what will happen? Can you see the future? Two tugs.

His heart started beating faster again at what he's about to ask. Her hand somehow found his and he let it rest on top of his, feeling her light and solid presence beside him.

Then, what about what she said? About you needing a sacrifice. Is that true? One tug.

Are you not mine yet? Two tugs.

But I thought you wanted to stay with me. One tug.

His mind spun and he gasped for air again. He felt her wrap around his arm, her cheek pressing lightly against him, and murmuring in her sleep. Any other time it would have comforted him, but not this time, not when she's the one at stake.

Can't we just do away with the sacrifice? I'll just talk to Uncle to let me keep you. I'll do anything that he wants other than this. I'll stay in his palace forever if he wants. I'll do anything. I'll endure anything. Just not this. Two tugs.

Finally, he had to ask the question he dreaded. Does it really have to be her? One tug.

He tried to negotiate again. Can't it be someone else? Anyone would do, right? Two tugs.

The whole world stopped for him when the Key responded with an answer he did not want to hear. He asked another question. Why does it have to be her? But the Key could not respond to it.

He didn't know how much time had passed or when she woke up. He felt her hands take his head to cradle it against her chest. He sobbed as he wrapped his arms around her and buried his face against her body.

They stayed like this for a long time, not wanting to let go. She cried as he cried, mirroring his tears and sharing his pain.

"You need to let go of me now," she eventually said to him as she fondly played with his hair like she always did in the past.

He squeezed her tighter and nuzzled deeper into her in response.

"We can't stay like this forever, darling. You know what you need to do."

"Just a bit more." He inhaled deeply, trying to breathe in all of her scent.

"You're always so clingy." She laughed as she lifted his head. "How about this?" She kissed him passionately one last time.

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