Part 1: The Mission - Chapter 2

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The older siblings paid closer attention as the youngest amongst them finally showed signs of losing his composure. Most of them had the decency to hide their vile amusement but they've always played this crooked game against each other and all of them know what to look for to get a sense of how the others truly felt. As bitter as their rivalries against each other may be, the older siblings always took special delight in seeing how much every Youngest could bear and what it takes to finally break them. In turn, every Youngest would learn and endure as they grow older and gain more power, and pass down their torment to the sibling who would come to bear the title after them. His parents only stood by and watched everything unfold. His imposing father never said anything and let him fend for himself. It wasn't unusual and he was used to that. His beloved mother only tried to placate him by telling him that the people outside their family would be far worse. She was right but it still gave him reason to resent her.

The Sixth guffawed. "Would you look at that! The Youngest is getting assertive now. He's finally grown up!" He leaned forward, gave his siblings a conspiratorial wink and loudly whispered, "Looks like we'll have to take him more seriously now. He might start biting everyone now that he's learned how to bark." He sat back with a smug smile as his siblings snorted dismissively and expressed their derision. Turning back to his youngest sibling, he brusquely said, "I thought you've never had contact with her after she broke up with you. How did you know about her threat?"

This is getting too irritating. Calm down, self. "She's come up during some of the meetings I've sat in. I only have vague ideas of what she has been up to but her threat has been steadily increasing every time she is brought up. I assume that she's getting out of hand if we've started asking about how to deal with her," the Youngest said evenly. He'd hoped that she would stop at some point but it looks like she'd only gotten worse and the consequences of her actions are starting to catch up to her.

The Sixth drummed his fingers on the table as he looked at his brother with a dangerous glint in his eyes. "So you are more or less up to date with what is happening with her." He tapped the table twice with his index finger and pointed his chin at his brother. "What do you suggest we do with her then? Surely, you'd have thought of something since you're so eager to prove that you're not a child anymore."

This is bad. I can't say nothing. I have to say something but I don't know what to say. The young god looked around the table again and saw everyone waiting for him. His siblings' expressions varied between smugness, eagerness and amusement, but his Uncle's expression was indiscernible. The elder god seemed lost in his own thoughts and seemed to have paid no attention to the siblings' squabbling. Turning to his Uncle again, he gestured to get the older god's attention and said, "I am inexperienced in dealing with these matters. I will defer to my Elder's wisdom."

The ancient Lord blinked and looked at the Youngest for several moments like he was trying to come to a decision concerning the young god. "Very well then, my boy," he said smoothly, as if he hadn't been staring uncomfortably at the Youngest. "But I'd like to hear the others' opinions first." He turned and gestured at the whole table. "I'm sure some of you at least would have something to say, hm?"

"Sire, I think it's imperative that we get rid of her now while she can still be stopped with minimal effort," was the Third's short reply.

"I concur." The Twenty Second's eyes flitted slyly at the Youngest, a subtle smirk flashing across her face as she rolled a word her brother had emphasized around her mouth, before turning back to everyone. "My spies have told me that she has been amassing an army. She's powerful now but not quite unstoppable yet. If we let her be, it might soon become too costly to go after her."

The ancient Lord looked around the table when no one gave any further comments. "Are we all in agreement with this course of action then? Does anyone disagree?" When no one expressed any dissent, he asked, "Who do we send to do the deed then?"

I have a bad feeling about this.

"Why not our youngest brother here?" came the Sixth's eager reply. "He knows her more than well enough. And he needs the experience." He grinned and winked at his youngest brother. "Right, boy?"

So this is what they've been trying to get to! They got me to admit to those things to provide them with reasons to pin this on me. They know that I don't want to do this. "No-- I-- I'm not sure I'm the right person for this," the young god said, trying to hide his growing horror and apprehension.

"Aww. Look at him. He really does love her." The Thirteenth chuckled mockingly. "This is perfect for you, little brother. You get to stop your beloved from becoming a villain. You'll even get to say goodbye to her. Not everyone gets this chance to play the hero."

Perfect? Hero? What? Curse you, brother! You started this. Why do you keep on tormenting me? "I don't-- I'm not good at assassinations."

"Don't worry, little brother," The Twenty Second gave him a reassuring smile. "Just do it like our games. Father has been training you like he did all of us and you have quite an advantage over any of us. Your past relationship with her will enable you to get close to her and then you just need to cut her down. Even you can do that much."

That's not reassuring at all. I'm sure you're not really actually trying to reassure me despite appearances. "I still don't see why it can't be anyone else."

"I don't see a flaw in anyone's logic here. You're the best person in this room to send to this task," the Third decided.

Best person in this room? Are you blind? I'm the least qualified here! "I really do think this is too much for me to handle."

The Fifteenth smiled sadly. "Little brother, you are outvoted here. This won't be easy but I do believe you can accomplish this task."

No! Don't just take their side like this. Don't just smile at me like that. "I-Is this an order then, Uncle?" Please say no. Please assign somebody else. Uncle, you can do that, right?

"Hm? Yes, let's make this official. Youngest, you are hereby tasked with eliminating and extinguishing the individual known as the Feathered Princess. Come see me later. I'll give you details on how to proceed," came the ancient Lord's order.

No... Not you too. Why? "I-I s-see. S-Should I see you a-after this meeting?" the young god choked out as his vision narrowed. He could barely hear and comprehend anything as his thoughts threatened to drown out anything his senses perceived.

"Oh, no, my boy. I'll have to teach you quite a bit. It's better if you get rested first. I'll send someone to get you when the time comes," the ancient Lord replied. He stood up and gestured at the siblings. "Now then, children. I think that's everything. Your rooms have been prepared. You should all get some rest before you return home. Do inform your father of your brother's extended stay here."

The older siblings gave their assent and triumphantly filed out of the room. The youngest one stayed in his seat and stared emptily at the air.

"Boy--" the ancient Lord began as he reached out to shake the young god's shoulder.

The young god flinched at the touch and jumped out of his seat. He glared at the ancient Lord and bared his teeth at him as he contemplated saying something to the older god. Ultimately deciding against it, he furiously huffed and stormed out of the room.

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