Part 4: The Princess and the Key - Interlude 2

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Some time later...

"He's across the shore now. Are you-- No, you're not alright. What can I do to help?"

"I don't know. I don't really know what to do anymore. I've done terrible things to him but I don't know anymore if I did the right thing."

"You said you've seen it."

"I did. Everything still went in the right direction but there were too many unexpected things that I'm starting to doubt if I was right to interfere. What if things would have been better if I didn't do anything?"

"You said giving him the Key was necessary. Was there a different way it could be done?"

"No. None that I know of. But he showed me things that I didn't think were possible. What if there was a different and better way that I simply did not know of and I robbed him of his happiness because I was ignorant of it?"

"You simply did your best. Even someone as old as you couldn't have known everything."

"Are you insulting me or reassuring me?"


"You're a terrible person."

"It takes one to know one. There's still one thing bothering me. How did she know about what he needs to do, that he'll need to sacrifice her?"

"I told her."


"I told her and showed her everything. I knew she truly cared for him and would agree so I told her."

"You-- That's going too far even for you."

"I know. I was desperate. I didn't know what to do after he started talking to the Key so I went to her to get her help."

"Get her help? You just made two people destroy their own happiness, my Lord."

"'My Lord' now, is it? It's been a long time since you've called me that."

"You've gone too far. Do you really need a reminder?"

"Getting her to agree and having her force him is the fastest way."

"Are you hearing yourself right now? Do you have any idea what you just made her do? I thought you said not to rush him."

"You wouldn't understand."

"Are you trying to evade me again? You know that that won't work. Why did you do it, my Lord!"

"BECAUSE I-- I-- I-I still can't seem to talk about it. Ha. Haha. Why? Why is it still so difficult after all these years?"

"What happened to you? I've never seen you like this before."

"I'm sorry, Vincent. Please let me off just this once. I really can't."

"Fine. I don't want to see you looking this pitiful and pathetic."

"Are you going to leave me too then? You can go serve him if you want. He'll accept you. He likes you. I can tell his father to make an exception for him just this once."

"No. I swore to serve you no matter what. I'm staying with you. You need me more than he does right now. Keeping you in line and stopping you from going too far is already a part of my duties anyway. But I can't help you if you won't tell me anything."

"Thank you, Vincent. I don't think this will happen again. He's uniquely different from all the special cases. I'm really sorry for putting you through this too."

"Stop apologizing already! You've been doing that non-stop to everyone during the past few days. It's making everyone uneasy and I'm running out of things to say to cover for you."

"I-Is that so? I see. I'll leave things to you then."

"Yes, yes. Go make yourself scarce, Master. I don't need you hovering around while I clean up after that outburst of yours. Hopefully, nothing got too damaged around here. And I know you're tired. Go get some rest."

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