Chapter 28

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3rd person POV.

As the now known goddess Bastet knelt down to him she brought him up to her chest as she started to glow as her eyes snapped opened.

Bastet: he won't last long.

She stood up and held ryo bridal style as she then she bent her legs as she said.


Just then her legs glowed green as she jumped leaving a huge crater in her wake as she was now in the sky jumping miles at a time each time she would hit the ground she would make a crater after a few minutes she saw her desert palace as she landed in front of it she saw azazal come out as his eyes widened as he rushed over.

Bastet: you know this child?

Azazal: yes I do he was the one I wanted you to meet is he ok.

Bastet: he's lost blood take him to my quarter's to rest.

She handed him over to azazal as other people went in with them she sighed out in relief.

Time skip.

As goddess Bastet went in to her room she saw ryo there he was still based out as the doctor she had look at him said.

Doctor: *bows* goddess Bastet it's a pleasure to see you aga-

Bastet: how is he.

Azazal: *head in his hands* I can't believe this damn my pride.

Doctor: he needs a blood transfusion he apparently has a skill of some kind that allows him to heal almost any injury that's why no holes from a blood sucker we can see or find but it's different for blood he's lost almost half his blood, blood suckers are very quick when they drain blood even a second could take a quart of blood but no one here has his type of blood and if this continues he will die.

Bastet: then why not take my blood?

Everyone's heads snapped at her as she said that.

Bastet: being a goddess allows me to give blood to who needs it no matter if our blood type is compatible.

Doctor: but to do that would make him.

Azazal: half god a demigod.

Bastet: take as much as you need.

Ryo's POV.

As I opened my eyes the smell of the sea caught my attention as I sat up I saw where I was I was in my mind scape again as I sighed I decided to check my stats why Incursio started to come up.


Name: ryo.

Age: 15.

Gender: male.

Race: Nekosho/human hybrid.

Title: child prodigy.

Fame: member of the grigory.

Sacred gear: Incursio.

Level: 40.

HP: 4,180/4,180 (regen 10 per minute.)

Stamina: 3,700/3,700 (regen 25 per minute.)

MP: 79,400/79,400 (regen 50 per minute.)

Strength: 90

Endurance: 90

Agility: 90

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