Chapter 26

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I saw azazal and cu come in but they stayed to the side as korra said.

Korra: ok now that you have a few water attack skills now time to learn to defend with water.

I nodded as toph came in.

Korra: toph perfect timing come here I'm teaching ryo here how to defend with water I'd like to have you throw rocks at him.

She then looked at me as toph was smirking slightly as I saw a bunch of rocks form around her as korra said.

Korra: throw one at me to demonstrate.

Toph: yeah yeah I figured.

She then threw it at korra korra used some water that was still on the ground as she then circled her hands and caught the stone in a ball of water as I was watching I heard.

Tenzin: ah I see you took my advice on having korra teach how to use water magic.

Azazal: yes I'm honestly surprised that she hasn't lost her temper yet.

As he said that she threw  some water at him getting him wet.

Korra: *a little mad* shut up old men!

Tenzin: *chuckles* I believe you spoke to soon.

Ryo: *noticed tenzin* oh hi mister tenzin *waves*.

Tenzin: hello again ryo.

Azazal: *drying off with fire magic* you two have talked before?

Tenzin: yes we did and I gave him a good few lessons in how to use wind magic nothing like actual skills but he can now fight similar to an air nomad while using it.

Azazal: that's nice of you.

Ryo: he's a strict teacher.

Azazal: *chuckles* so I've heard.

Tenzin: teaching wind magic needs to have order as well as balance wind magic is the element of freedom with it you can have the power to fly the power to control even the most powerful of tornadoes the power to even stop them completely but you will have the power to help people and change their lives but you will also have the power to take their life away from them I am here to guide young wind users in the way of the air nomads if they wish to become an air nomad then I to help them on that journey so I must be strict when teaching in order to keep balance.

Ryo: so do you want me to try it now korra?

Korra: yeah.

I then gathered the water from on the floor as I then saw toph smirked as she sent one at me I did as korra did I caught it in a small thing of water as I dropped it to the ground I heard.

Korra: ok now 6 more.

Ryo: wait wha-

Just then toph sent 6 more rocks at me I quickly did what I did a moment ago and caught them sure it was harder but I caught all 5 of them.

Ryo: wait I thought there was 6- *rock hits head*

I fell on the ground as I said while holding my head.

Ryo: *whining* oww that hurt.

Korra:*snickering* that was pretty mean toph slowly one rock down so it would hit him later.

Toph: *shrugs* meh I like fucking with him.

Ryo: *tilts head* in what way cause your not wrong.

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