18. Popcorn On The Floor

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"Sorry, sorry," said Johnny to the ones who turned around. "We're cool."

Sssssshhhh!" Someone vocalized near them.

"Excuse me, you two," a man loudly whispered with a flash light in their face. "One more outburst from your girlfriend, and we'll have to ask you to leave."

"Sorry, no problem," Johnny told him, rubbing Taylor's far shoulder. "We're good. She gets a little excited that's all. This movie is some scary sh!t."

"Are you sure you guys aren't fighting?" asked the man, with his light right in Taylor's face. "The movie hasn't even started yet. That's a trailer for a comedy."

"Oh, sorry," Johnny sheepishly replied.

"So, I not going to see another outburst, right?"

"Oh, no. No sir," said Taylor coolly. "We're fine."

"Good, then just enjoy the show and each other's company like everyone else here, please," said the man taking the light away. "And no more talking! Understood?"

"Yes sir, sir, understood," said Johnny, while giving the guy a comically bad military salute and causing Taylor to snicker.

Johnny looked at Taylor, snuggled him in tight and added, "We're done talking, right, babe?"

"Definitely," Taylor replied, as the usher walked away.

"Sorry I startled you," Johnny apologized as Taylor pushed his arm from around him.

"Bullsh!t you are!" whispered Taylor, leaning on the armrest on the side of the chair furthest from Johnny. "Go get Kaylee and don't ever do that again."

"I'm sorry," said Johnny. "I can't. I'm sure she's kind of busy with Butch, like I'm about to be busy with you."

"Oh no, no way!" yelled Taylor and Johnny quickly put his hand over Taylor's mouth.

Again half the theater turned around.

"Oh sh!t, here comes that man again!" whispered Johnny, seeing the guy with the light, headed their way.

"Don't talk or we're booted." Taylor replied through his clinched teeth. "And don't look towards him."

Taylor turn towards Johnny and hid his face from the approaching flash light.

Johnny turned his head, making like he didn't see the guy coming.

"Was that you saying something again young la--," the man started to say, but stopped midsentence.

Taylor couldn't even react, because Johnny's lips were now pressed firmly against his.

"I guess not then," The guy added, with his flashlight shining in their faces.

Taylor had no idea what to do. He closed his eyes to block out the bright light shining in them, as Johnny held his face and continued softly kissing him.

He was frozen with fear and certainly not kissing back as a now familiar sensation traveled down his spine.

"Are you craz--" Taylor finally whispered once Johnny released his grip, but stopped as he peeked, seeing the man still standing there shinni g his light at the row behind them, still looking for the source of the disturbance.

Taylor closed his eyes. He could feel saliva on his chin, which repulsing him, but as he opened his mouth to speak again, Johnny's lips return to Taylor's and Johnny's tongue entered Taylor's mouth.

No way could this really be happening, Taylor thought.

Opening his eyes again Taylor saw that the usher was now gone, but someone else was approaching.

Taylor immediately realized Kaylee and Butch were there.

"Looks like you two are really enjoying the movie," announced Butch as kaylee took a seat on the other side of Johnny. Butch sat down next to her with a smirk on his face. Kaylee's face showed relief.

Butch took a sip of the soda Kaylee was holding and she quickly pulled it away. 

"Mind if we barge in," Kaylee asked, looking across Johnny at a visibly upset Taylor on the other side of him. "Maybe we can keep you two quiet so you don't get kicked out."

"Sure, cool," Taylor replied, trying to gather his composure. "I'm glad you finally made it back.

The expression on Taylor's face was a combination of anger and extreme embarrassment over not only what had just transpired between he and Johnny, but also because Kaylee had seen them and more than likely believed he was a willing participant.

As his mind raced, thinking about what had just happened, the box of popcorn slipped from Taylor's hand and onto the floor with a pop.

"Sh!t," Kaylee exclaimed loudly, startled by the sound.

The usher flipped his flashlight back on and pointed it in their direction but they all sat still, staring at the screen like nothing happened.

Nothing more was said between either of the group for the rest of the movie. Although, Johnny continued to occasionally try to hold Taylor's hand or put his arm around Taylor.

Although he did not really want to, Taylor did allow Johnny to hold his hand through a couple of the scariest parts of the movie. Just so as not to anger him, Taylor reasoned.

Once the credits began to roll, they left the theater.

Outside, Kaylee and Taylor quickly said goodbye to the guys and ran to the curb to meet Carissa.

Lies, Deceptions, And MisunderstandingsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora