16. Dying Inside

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When Taylor got back outside, he saw all the other kids were now in the pool and he stopped dead in his tracks, realizing they'd be looking for him to get in as well.

"Coming?" Johnny asked, sliping his shirt off over his head.

"No, I'll just sit this out," Taylor told him.

Seeing Kaylee standing nearby sipping on a cherry soda as Johnny dove in, Taylor added, "We don't have bathing suits."

"Of course you do," Clarissa informed him.

She walked over and unzipped Kaylee's sundress, before pulling it over her head. "Did you forget you put it on first this morning, Taylor?"

Kaylee clasped both hands in front of her bikini bottom and pulled her arms in front of her body then quickly scurried over to the pool and slipped in, submerging herself up to her neck.

Taylor stood, frozen in place by fear. A stunned look formed across his face as Carissa turned and headed toward him. He now knew what that colorful, matching lingerie he had put on earlier, actually was.

His knees were knocking as Clarissa quickly unzipped his sundress, letting it fall to the ground around his ankles.

Taylor quickly tugged at the edges of the ruffled bottom of what he had thought before was just panties, making sure nothing was out of place and showing as he now knew what he was wearing really was a swimsuit.

"I-I can't, Carissa," said Taylor, nervously fidgeting. "Let me get redressed and uumm, ummm..... my hair. You don't want me to mess up my hair, do you?"

"Nonsense, it'll be fine," said Carissa, now spraying cold sunblock all over him. "Just make sure you're not getting cozy with Johnny again when Craig gets here. I doubt he would approve of that. I won't say anything to him about you guys in the house. It''ll be our little secret."

Carissa gave Taylor a wink as she continued, "Now run along, your hair is gonna be fine."

Carissa pulled the little ribbons from the back of his braid, and patted his butt softly, nudging him to run along towards the pool.

Taylor felt naked and could barely stand to look at the pool. He could see every one of the guys' eyes on him, as he approached the edge.

He was at least happy to have his body under water once he quickly slid in the pool.

Taylor began moving toward Kaylee, but before he could get to her, Johnny playfully dunked him. When he came up, he found himself in a bear hug as Johnny lifted him into his arms and tossed him towards another guy.

"And we all better take good care of her!" yelled Johnny. "No one let's our new top scorer fall. Not here or on the field."

Taylor began screaming like a little sissy as the boys tossed him around. He was tossed between all the guys before finding himself in a big group hug.

"Okay, chicks, fight time!" yelled Butch, before going underwater and picking Kaylee up on his shoulders. "Let's see what you two got!"

By the time Taylor had caught his breath, he found himself being lifted onto Johnny's shoulders and his knees being held to steady him.
Taylor could feel the painful sickness of his manhood being pinched between his underside and the back of Johnny's neck.

He looked back up, and saw Kaylee cracking up as they came towards him. He put his hands out and they pushed at each other, trying to cause the other to lose their balance and fall in to the water.

Taylor was easily much stronger, knocking Kaylee off almost instantly but as he jerked forward, he felt an even sharper pain and realized his balls were being painfully twisted unnaturally.

"Ok, no more," cried Taylor sharply, looking over at Kaylee, who was again being shouldered by Butch.

"No chance, football chick," yelled Kaylee. "Come on, two out of three. You don't seem so tough."

Taylor was practically tearing up the next time Kaylee pushed hard. He didn't fight back this time, but it got even worse, because Johnny squeezed his legs together harder, trying to avoid losing Taylor, but they fell anyway, as a sharp pain shot from his scrotum, up into the pit of his stomach.

Johnny picked Taylor up again as Taylor tried to ignored the persistent sharp pain, wanting to get the game over with, but the boys kept at it until finally Kaylee was too weak.

Taylor was in so much pain he could hardly function when Johnny dropped him from his shoulders. When Taylor came up from under the water, he saw that Craig had arrived, and looked to him, pleading for help.

"I need to get out, please," cried Taylor, making his way out of the pool. "My brother is finally here."

He hurried from the pool as fast as he could, considering the crippling pain he was in.

He made a beeline for Craig.

Craig's eyes grew as large as saucers when he saw his brother hobbling towards him in a bikini.

"Oh, shit," he mumbled under his breath before his brother was close.

"Please, can we go," whispered Taylor, hugging him. "I'm dying inside. I need ice again, now."

"Again? What? Bro, I'm sorry, I really am, but we can't go just yet, they are about to do the birthday cake," said Craig. "Leaving before that would be rude. Toughen up, buckaroo, you're a football player."

Kaylee had now exited the pool and was headed towards Taylor and his brother.

"Sorry girls, I know that must have been exhausting," said Carissa. "Come sit over here and relax for a bit."

Taylor quickly took a seat next to Carissa while trying to not make it obvious that his balls felt like they were being squeezed in a vice. He put on a brave face, but could hardly stand the pain.

Kaylee took a seat next to him. She immediately began to point out her observation that Johnny obviously "liked" Taylor, as if it wasn't abundantly obvious to everyone.

After a few minutes Carissa helped them get their sundresses back on and they had cake after singing Happy Birthday.

"You brought clothes?" Carissa inquired of Craig after they had said their goodbyes to everyone and was headed back to the street where everyone was parked.

"Yes?" Craig replied, looking hopeful. "I know we didn't talk much yet about last night, but I was hoping dinner was still on."

"Yeah, I know last night didn't end the way I wanted either, so I was hoping you would still want to have dinner, too," said Carissa, touching his thigh. "Give me a second I've got an idea for the girls, I'll be right back."

Carissa walked over and talked to Frank for a minute and then returned, taking Taylor and Kaylee by the hand.

She put the two of them in Craig's car, then, after a short conversation with Craig, that the girls couldn't hear, Carissa got in her car and left.

Frank walked over to Craig and they talked about Taylor and the football team for several minutes. Finally Craig got in his car and easily broke the speed limit trying to get to Carissa's house as quickly as possible.

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