17. New Life

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"You guys go get showers and dressed for dinner," Craig told the kids, once they were at Carissa's house. "Your mom said you can use her bathroom, Kaylee, and Taylor can go in the other. She'll be here soon, she just had to stop by the store and pick up a few things."

"Can't we please just go home, Craig," Taylor pleaded, completely irritated. "I've really had it. I still hurt, I'm tired, and I'm ready to be home. I feel sick. Enough's enough already!"

"Seriously, are we going to do this again? Need I remind you what's at stake if you don't do this for me? You will regret it."

"I hate you, Craig," Taylor muttered as he turned to leave the room.

"You don't mean that," Craig called back to him.

"Right now I do," Taylor shot back as he disappeared into the hallway.

Entering the bathroom, Taylor shut and locked the door then sat down on the closed lid of the toilet. He knew he didn't really hate his brother because he knew where he'd probably be right now if it weren't for the sacrifices his brother was making so they could remain together as a family. Craig didn't have to do what he was and could have allowed Taylor to go to foster care, but he hadn't and for that Taylor truly was grateful.

Taylor felt bad for what he had just said to Craig but he was angry and hated the situation he was in. Truth be told, he probably owed his brother much more, but that didn't make his current predicament any easier to endure.

A few tears trickled down Taylor's cheeks and he wiped them away. He knew he loved his brother and he decided right then that he would do what his brother needed him to ask that his brother could get what he wanted did once, instead of continuing to be as selfish as he normally was.

Taylor sat on the toilet for a while more, thinking about all that had happened since he got his brother in the situation of having to go to that meeting and how it looked like Johnny had a thing for Taylor as a girl.

A shiver ran down his spine and his face soured. He hated the thought of possibly having to deal with a boy trying to ask him out. He desperately hoped it didn't come to that.

Finally he reached down and removed his girly white canvas trainer's, and socks, reveling his dainty painted toes.

Taylor stared at his toes until his vision blurred and he was imagining himself in sandals, skinny jeans, and a fitted, girly top, his hair in pigtails and Johnny by his side

He shook his head to wake himself out of what he considered to be a creepy daydream, stood up, and started the shower.

Once he was done taking a quick shower, Taylor stepped out and almost had a stroke, seeing his wet, sun baked reflection in the mirror.

He had made the shower a quick one due to how much it burned having the water hitting his skin, but he didn't know just how bad it was.

Across his shoulders and back, the strap lines of the thin bikini top shined ever so white against his red sun burnt skin, but even more revolting were the milky triangular patches that stood out on his tanned chest.

"Taylor? Your outfit is on the bed," Carissa announced, knocking on the door. "Just come to Kaylee's room when you're dressed and I'll do your hair."

Taylor almost couldn't take it anymore. He came out with a towel wrapped around his waist, and immediately spotted the clothes on the bed.

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