13. This Is Crazy

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"Finally they're in bed and going to sleep," Clarissa announced as she hopped back on the couch next to Craig after tucking the girls in.

"Great. It's been a traumatic day, so I'm sure they're wiped." Craig replied while rubbing Carissa's shoulders. "How about you?"

"I'm good, and that feels wonderful," said Carissa, enjoying the shoulder rub. "In fact, I'm better than good since we met you guys."

"Really?" Craig asked, smiling as she spun around to face him. "Me too, actually."

An awkward silence fell between them for a moment or two as they stared into each other's eyes. She slipped the fingers of her left hand between his and gently rubbed them.

Her soft smile was so enticing. He wanted nothing more than to be lip-locked with her at this moment, but he didn't want to move too fast and mess up.

With his free hand Craig stroked her hair and everything seemed so peaceful as they gazed at each other.

Surprising Craig, Carissa unexpectedly leaned in, placed her lips against his and began to softly kiss him.

"I'm sorry," said said, slowly pulling back after a couple seconds. "It's the wine. I know we're not each other's cup of tea."

"It's okay. We've both been trying to change and rid our lives of these foul addictions," said Craig, feigning empathy outwardly while inside barely able to hold back. He was dying to jump her.

"But on the other hand," Craig continued, "this all seems so . . . meant to be. You know our chance meeting, and something between us here seems so magical."

"Yes, actually, It does," Clarissa replied with an alcohol-fueled sparkle in her eye.

She took a deep breath, leaned back in, and initiated another kiss. It was nothing like Craig had ever shared before as she took control, leaning in more and pushing him back against the couch. It was so soft and moist and no doubt the longest kiss he'd ever experienced in his life.

Carissa seemed to be throughly enjoying every minute of the passionate foreplay as she straddled his lap and took a dominant position, not allowing him any advances as she held his hands down, stopped him from exploring any part of her body.

"You know this is crazy right?" Carissa asked in a sultry, out of breath voice when she finally broke the kiss.

Carissa let a loud, deep alcohol-fuled belch.

"Sorry," she apologized with a giggle.

Carissa's gaze returned to Craig's eyes, her own filled with desire. "Are you absolutely sure about this?"

"I-uuummm!" Craig mumbled, as he couldn't get out any words. He desperately wanted her tongue back in his mouth.

She held his face as she kissed him, doing most of the work.

After more than a minute and a half, she broke the kiss and came up for air.

"I know we're both . . ." Carissa exhaled," are you sure?"

Why wouldn't I be, he thought as he looked her in the eyes and smiled.

Taking his hand, she climbed up off of him and led him to her bedroom, where they stripped each other naked and she pushed him back on her bed.

She tried not screaming as she dropped herself on top of his rock hard member, taking control of the action.

She had to cover his mouth a few times, because he was getting too loud as she was incredibly tight, squeezing him with her legs and controlling the pace.

Craig discovered her body to be very taut and fit, her breasts so firm, definitely the body of a girl who takes care of herself.

He reached up, knowing she was enjoying his touch for she moaned as he suckled on her nipples. In spite of the alcohol, it didn't take long for him to climax.

Once he did, Carissa instantly jumped off him and ran for the bathroom, slamming the door behind her.

Craig was troubled and confused by what was happening. What went wrong, he wondered, as this had easily been the best sex of his life.

"You okay?" Craig asked as he lay back, growing hard again and wanting more. "I could make love to you all night. You're incredible."

"I need a minute," Carissa yelled between the sounds of her puking.


"Seriously. You okay? Is it the alcohol?" Craig called out as he jumped up and ran to the bathroom door. "You want me to come in? Unlock the door, Carissa."

"No, no, I'm fine," Carissa responded forcefully, breathing heavily. "I'm so sorry Craig. It's been a very long time since I've felt anything like that. I'm so sorry. And no its not the alcohol. Bbbaaaaarrrrffff."

"It's okay, Carissa," Craig tried to comfort her through the door as she continued spewing. "It's been a long time for me, too, but you were incredible. I'm sorry I made you so sick."

"Craig, I'm the one who's sorry. That's not what I meant," said Carissa, trying to compose herself.

Craig could hear the faucet running. "It's just you're the first non-battery operated or rubber apparatus I've had since I've been trying to get my addiction under control. I'm sorry. You better go. I need time to think, and I don't think the kids should see you here when they wake up."

"Carissa, you sure? You're throwing up?" Craig leaned against the door. "I can't leave you like this!"

"Just go please," begged Carissa, crying. "I'm sorry. Please, I just need to be alone. I'll be fine. Now get out! Please."

Craig wasn't sure what to think as he got dressed and left her townhouse.

The intercourse, it was incredible, but Craig realized he may have gone too far, too fast with a girl who had a bad addiction and who definitely had her issues.

When he got home, he could barely sleep. All he did was toss and turn all night while his last hour at Carissa's place played over and over on his head.

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