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"Oh, Skyler!"

'Oh lord,' Skyler rolled her eyes at the sound of that voice. It only belonged to one person.

"Hi, Victoria. What can I do you for?"

Victoria Gains, or "Tori" for short. She's the head cheerleader, head of the prom committee, one of the most popular girls at Loz Feliz High School, and a pretty big fan of Sunset Curve- minus Skyler.

"I'm throwing a party Friday night. Of course, everyone will be there. It's going to be perfect." Victoria smiled.

"Is this your way of inviting me to your party?" Skyler asks, closing her locker.

"Ew, no." She scoffs. "Well, kind of. My party will be perfect once I have the perfect entertainment. That's where you and your hunks of a band come in."

"Pardon?" Skyler raises an eyebrow.

Victoria rolls her eyes. "Jesus, Skyler. I want Sunset Curve to play at my party on Friday."

"Um... I don't know, Victoria." Skyler started walking down the hall.

Victoria caught up with her. "Well, before you make any designs, just know that you playing at my party means free publicity, I'll promote your demos and shirts and, of course, I'll tell all my friends." She smirked, saying Reggie's famous line.

Skyler gave her a skeptical look. "...Right. Well, um, I'll definitely talk to the guys about it and we'll get back to you."

"Thanks." Victoria smiled. Skyler gave a tight-lipped smile back and continued to walk to her next class. "Nice talking to you, Skyler."

_ _ _ _

"I just had the weirdest conversation ever."

Skyler sat down with the boys of Sunset Curve at lunch, per usual. "What was so weird about it?" Luke asks.

"Well, I was talking to Victoria-"

"Victoria?" Bobby buds in. He's had a crush on "The spawn of Satan" for as long as any of them could remember. "Did she ask about me?"

Skyler rolls her eyes. "Robert, shut up." Bobby huffs.

"Anyway, she was talking to me in the hall earlier, and was telling me about a party she's throwing Friday night."

"Was she inviting you?" Reggie asks.

"Mmm, kinda. She said she will have the "Perfect Party" once Sunset Curve is the entertainment. So basically, we have a gig Friday night if you guys are up for it."

Before any of the boys could give an answer, Victoria walked over. "Hello, boys." She smiled. "Alex, Reggie, Bobby." Victoria sat down next to Luke. "Luke." She greeted, twirling a piece of hair on her finger and batting her eyelashes at the boy.

Skyler cleared her throat, reminding the girl of her presence. Victoria looked at the girl. "Oh, and Skyler." Skyler rolled her eyes.

Victoria turned back to the boys, more specifically, Luke. "So, I assume Skyler has told you about my party."

"Yeah." Alex smiles. "It sounds fun, Victoria."

"Oh, you guys can call me Tori." She smiles.

"Well, I didn't tell them everything yet," Skyler says.

"Oh, well then, I'll tell them." Victoria smiles at Skyler, a fake one of course. "As I told Skyler, if you play at my party, you'll have free publicity, I'll promote all your demo CDs and shirts and, of course, I'll tell all my friends."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2023 ⏰

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