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Lunchtime, what an interesting part of the day

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Lunchtime, what an interesting part of the day.

Students did many things during this time. Smoke, drink, play football, quickies in cars, actually eat the lunch, you name it.

Skyler Young usually spent her lunch period at an empty lunch table with her only friend, going over songs and frequently making new ones. That small little lunch routine has never changed.

Until today.

"Hey, Sky."

"Hey, Reg." It wasn't unusual for Skyler to keep her eyes locked on her songbook, but she didn't have a choice when she heard 3 other trays plop at their table. "And Reggie's friends."

Reggie gave his usual smile to the girl. "You remember these guys, don't you, Sky?"

The girl looked up from her book for a second before continuing to work on her song. "Not really."

"Well, at least say hello."

"I did."

"Okay," Reggie reached over and took the book from Skyler's grasp, "interact."

She sighed and looked at the 3 new boys that sat around her. She gave a tight-lipped smile. "Hi, I'm Skyler. I'm sorry if I don't remember you. I'm not really good with names. Or faces. Or people that aren't Reggie."

"It's fine." The boy with the backward hat reassures. "I'm Alex. That's Bobby and that's Luke."

"Nice to meet you guys, again, I guess." Skyler looked down to her tray and started poking at her food. "So, is there a reason you 3 are sitting here?"

"Yeah." Skyler looked up to the sound of Luke's peppy voice. "I remembered that Reggie said that he plays bass, so we asked if he wanted to join our little band for the talent show." Luke gave a flashy smile.

Skyler turned to the boy in question. "You're doing the talent show?"

"Yeah. That's not a problem is it?"

"No, of course not."

"Do you plan of doing the talent show, little lady?" Skyler cringed as she turned to Bobby. In the background, you could hear the light chuckles from Luke and Reggie, and a soft smack from Alex, due to him facepalming.

"Please, never call me that again. And, no, I don't think I will."

"Why?" Luke asked. "I mean, you're crazy talented."

"You only saw her play once." Bobby brought up.

"It was still awesome." Luke shot back.

"Look, I don't know, okay?" The bell then rang, signaling students to head off to their next class. "It was nice talking to you guys. Are you going to be sitting with Reggie and me from now on?"

"Do you want us to?" Alex asked. "Cause, we don't have to if you guys don't want us to."

Skyler glanced over to Reggie who just shrugged. Skyler sighed at his lack of help. "Sure. It would be a nice change from just Reggie and me." With that, Skyler grabbed her book back from Reggie and headed to her next class.

"Skyler, wait!" She turned and saw Luke running up to her. "What class do you have next?"

"Chemistry, why?"

"I do too. I guess I never noticed you in there before." Luke rubs the back of his neck bashfully.

"Don't sweat it, Luke. It happens. Let's just get to class before we're e late."


"Sky, I need a favor."

Reggie and Skyler were riding their bikes back to Skyler's house. Jay had work this afternoon, so they couldn't get a ride. "What's the favor, Reg?"

"I need to borrow your studio."

"Excuse me?" Skyler had suddenly stopped pedaling at Reggie's request. "You need to borrow my what now?"

"Your studio. The guys and I need to rehearse, but Alex's garage is only so big. I was hoping we could use it to practice."


"Oh, come on Sky!" Reggie began to pedal after the girl.



"No, Reggie. I'm not gonna rent out my studio to 3 boys I barely know. You of all people should know that."

He sighed. "Yeah, I know. It was worth a shot, though. I guess the guys and I could just practice at the school."

"Yeah, guilt-tripping me isn't gonna work on me, Reg."

Reggie couldn't help the smile that broke through on his face. "Come on, I almost had you."

"No, you didn't." She laughed with him. The two ride down the empty street without a care in the world.

~I'm sorry if it seems these first few chapters are short. I wanna have my own backstory to this before I get into the show. I wanna go ahead and say and apologize now if the 90's part of this book seems rushed. I'm trying my best to be creative with these chapters but sometimes my brain is just dead and saying "Get to the show." So, please be patient with me and my short chapters. Love y'all <3~

𝖯𝖱𝖮𝖬𝖨𝖲𝖤-𝙻𝚄𝙺𝙴 𝙿𝙰𝚃𝚃𝙾𝙽Where stories live. Discover now