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Things weren't going so great for some members of Sunset Curve.

More specifically; Luke, Alex, and Reggie.

Let's start with Reggie.

Once again, Reggie was caught in the middle of his parent's arguments. His mom wanted them to spend Christmas with her family, but his dad wanted to spend Christmas with his family. That spiraled into another argument and insults, among other foul words, were thrown all around the house.

Reggie wanted nothing to do with it, but of course, life doesn't work like that. Both his parents asked which side of the family he's like to spend Christmas with.

Reggie didn't know what to do. If he said his mom's side, his dad would get mad. If he said his dad's side, his mom would get mad. It was a lose-lose situation. So, he decided to say the answer that he thought would cause the least amount of damage.

"I don't know. I think it would be nice if we could spend Christmas with both." Reggie shrugged, giving a small smile.

Wrong answer.

That answer didn't sit right with either parent. Before things could get worse, Reggie left on his bike to Skyler's house.

_ _ _ _

Things weren't going so hot at Alex's house either.

As of recently, Alex's parents found out about him being gay.

They did not approve. The only one who was being supportive of his sexuality was his grandmother who lived with them.

"I don't care if you like boys or girls, Alex." She told him. "Trust me, I was just like you in my hay day."

That little knowledge made Alex feel slightly better, but then his parents knocked him back down.

Alex's parents were hard Christian people who believed that men should be with women and women should be with men.

No exceptions.

"It's Adam and Eve for a reason, boy." His dad told him. "Not Adam and Steve."

Anyway, ever since Alex's parents learned of Alex's sexuality, they barely talked to him. Sure, there was the usual good morning and good nights, letting him know when breakfast and dinner was ready, but that was about it.

Alex hated the atmosphere that was created in his house by his parents. If he could run away, he would. But he wouldn't. His conscience would always hold him back for his greater good.

So, he did the next best thing. He hopped on his bike and rode his way to Skyler's house.

_ _ _ _

Finally, let's get to the Patterson household.

"Luke! Lunch is ready!" His mother, Emily, called. She received no answer. "Luke!" She sighed and looked at her husband, Mitch, who was reading the newspaper. "What am I gonna do with that boy?" She chuckled.

Emily walked down the hall towards and knocked on his son's door. "Luke." She still got no answer. Rolling her eyes, Emily opened his door and came face to face with his junky room.

𝖯𝖱𝖮𝖬𝖨𝖲𝖤-𝙻𝚄𝙺𝙴 𝙿𝙰𝚃𝚃𝙾𝙽Where stories live. Discover now