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Tap-Tap Tap TapTap-Tap Tap Tap

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Tap-Tap Tap Tap
Tap-Tap Tap Tap

There it was. The all too familiar beginning beat of the well-known Nickelodeon jingle.

The melanin girl was expecting the beat to appear on her second-story window at some point that night, she just didn't know when. Especially not at-

Wow! 2:45 am

The girl got up from her desk, passing her stereo that was lowly playing her CD of Michael Jackson's 'Thriller' album, to her bay window.

She could already see the boy's silhouette from outside and shook her head. Gently, she finished the beat.

Tap Tap Tap

The girl stood back as her window opened and curtains pulled back. Just like every other night, the lovable leather jacket-wearing boy - also known as the girl's best friend since 3rd grade - climbed through her window.

"Evening Skyler."

"Reginald." Skyler glanced back at her clock. "2:50am. A new record. What were they fighting about this time?"

Reggie sighed as he plopped down on the bed by Skyler. "They started going on about who's fault it was why I got detention again. If anything, it's both of their faults. With them fighting throughout the night, I can't help if I fall asleep in class."

"Yeah, that's rough buddy. I mean, it's only been a month into the school year and you've already had 4 detentions."

Reggie took a deep breath before letting it out and laying his head on Skyler's shoulder. Skyler laid her head on top of his. It was a comfortable silence between the two, the only sound being the voices of Michael Jackson and Paul McCarthy singing 'The Girl is Mine.

An idea struck in Skyler's brain, causing her to smile. "Wanna go listen to my mom's old records in the studio?"

Reggie lifted his head, a bright smile eminent on his face. "Definitely."


It wasn't an unusual thing for Skyler's older brother to be woken up by the music of The Temptations or Dianna Ross.

If anything, this was a regular Thursday night/early Friday morning for him and his mother. The only downside was that he was the one who had to shut everything down for his mom, otherwise, she'd be cranky in the morning.

𝖯𝖱𝖮𝖬𝖨𝖲𝖤-𝙻𝚄𝙺𝙴 𝙿𝙰𝚃𝚃𝙾𝙽Where stories live. Discover now