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Booking gigs for the band were back on track.

It's actually going really well. So well, that Sunset Curve had a permanent gig spot at a club called Hot Vixen. They played every Friday, which worked for each of them since their Friday nights were usually free.

Right now, the band was about to go on and they were doing some last-minute preparations.

"Guys! Where's my flannel?!" Skyler asked, looking around their green room.

"I got it!" Bobby calls, tossing the clothing to the girl.

"Has anyone seen my orange beanie?!" Luke yells.

"It's in your guitar case!" Reggie tells him, pulling on his leather jacket.

Alex ran over to Skyler and helped her fix her hair. He repositioned her headband, noticing it was crooked. "Thanks, Alex." Skyler smiles.

"No problem." He smiles.

There was a knock on the green room door, causing the band to freeze in their spots. "Sunset Curve, you're on." The stage manager told them.

"On our way!" Skyler calls. The five circle around each other. "Alright, guys. Let's do this." She smiles.

"Legends on 3," Luke says, putting his hand out.

"One." Bobby puts his hand on top of Luke's.

"Two." Alex places his hand on top of Bobby's.

"Three." Reggie and I place our hands on top.


_ _ _ _

"That was 'Long Weekend'!" Luke said into the mic, smiling wide at the adrenaline running through his veins and the sound of the roaring crowd.

"Thank you for coming out tonight!" Skyler said. "We're Sunset Curve!"

"Tell your friends!" Reggie added, winking at one of the girls in the club.

The band headed back to the green room, excitement still eminent in their faces.

"That will never get old," Bobby said, plopping on one of the chairs.

"Just imagine how much bigger that crowd's gonna be after we play The Orpheum." Skyler gushed. Luke nodded.

"So, now what?" Reggie asked.

"Well, we are at a club," Bobby smirked.

Skyler got nervous. "I don't know, Bobby. It's already pretty late. We should probably head home."

"I'm with Skyler." Alex agreed. "We should just head home."

Bobby groaned. "Come on, you guys. Let loose and live a little, and if you don't want to, you two can stay by the bar."

Skyler and Alex looked at each other and sighed. "Fine." They breathed.

The 5 of them went out to the dance floor and went separate ways, with Alex and Skyler going to sit at the bar. They sat there for a few minutes and just talked.

"So, how's your Luke situation?" Alex asked, smirking.

"What are you talking about?" Skyler asked, playing dumb.

"Don't play dumb with me, Sky. I know you like him. It's obvious."

Skyler sighed. "Okay, so maybe I do. It's not like I can really do anything about it." She rested her head in her palm. "Luke can be so hard to read sometimes. It's like, I can't tell what he likes more when he goes into one of his 'fits of passion', me or our music."

"You want my opinion?" Alex asks.


"I'm pretty sure Luke likes you." Alex smiles. "He has a weird way of showing it, sure, but he does. And if anything, him meeting you was great. You two balance each other out. When you two met, you came out of your shell and Luke has been putting more effort in his school work."

Skyler gave Alex a look. "Well, kind of." The two laughed.

Skyler looked at the dance floor, deciding to let loose. "Hey, you wanna dance?"

Alex looks at the girl and smiles. "What the hell, sure." Alex grabs the girl's hands and drags her to the dance floor.

_ _ _ _

It was almost 11 and Luke, Reggie, and a tipsy Bobby met at the bar.

"Where are Alex and Skyler?" Luke asked. "It's late and we gotta go."

Reggie and Bobby laughed and pointed towards the dance floor. Luke turned to where Reggie was pointing and his eyes were wide. He saw the two dancing and having the time of their lives. Skyler was being spun around by Alex, her flannel, which was now tied around her waist, fanned out as she twirled.

Luke smiled at the sight of her having fun. He was snapped out of his daze as Reggie wrapped his arm around him. "So, when you asking her out?" Reggie smirked.

Luke looked at the boy next to him, his ears feeling hot. "What? What are you talking about?"

"Oh, come on, man." Bobby chuckled. "We all know you like her. And we're pretty sure she likes you."

"How can you be so sure?" Luke looked at them.

Reggie rolled his eyes. "Luke, take it from the guy that's known Skyler the longest; I know she likes you. She has this special gleam in her eyes when she's with you, when she sings with you, hell, even if someone mentions you."

"Dude, she's definitely into you," Bobby smirked.

Luke rolled his eyes and removed Reggie's arm. "Whatever."

Alex and Skyler walked over to the 3, laughing and smiling wide. "Hey, we ready to go?" Skyler asked.

"Yep. Let's go." Luke smiled, wrapping his arm around the girl and walked to the door.

Alex, Bobby, and Reggie looked at each other and sighed.

"They're hopeless."

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