Chapter 2: The 2 Arts of Death

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Rein fell down and vomits blood after using The 2 Arts of Death, his body is weakening, His vision is blurring and then, Rein lost His conciousness

He woke up and he is floating inside a dark void when he landed the dark void became land and the whole void became a new world

Then he saw The Freedom Phoenix forming behind him and it spoke


Rein looked back and He saw The Freedom Phoenix speaking to Him and He answered

Wait?, So you can speak?

Rein is confused then the Freedom Phoenix said

Only those who can control The 3 Phoenix is worthy to speak To me, And after your battle with Khae you have been deemed worthy

Rein answers The Phoenix said

Its wierd to call you Freedom Phoenix, do you have a name?

The Phoenix answers

My name is Frida

Rein laughs and said

Because you are The Freedom Phoenix?, Like Frida-m?

Frida shouts at Rein

Stop messing around Rein, You are dead now

Rein suddenly became serious and says

Im dead?, Again?

Meanwhile in the real world

Yuri is running towards the village of Sheegan he jumps to the roof of the houses and when he saw Rein's house he went inside

He saw Mishaela holding his Son Kaze, and Yuri also saw Mariella cleaning her hands, Yuri says

Rein, He is dead

Mishaela and Marielle was shocked, Marielle hugs Mishaela and Mishaela cried, his tears fell down on Kaze's face Marielle tries to comfort Her and says

Its okay Misha, we are always here for you

Meanwhile in the Link, The Link is a place where everything a person see inside is Sand and the Sky

Frida says to Rein

You created the strongest but dangerous Art, That in the end it killed you, but not your enemy

Rein was shocked and says

So Khae is alive?

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