Chapter 39: The Darkest Night

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5 Years Ago

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5 Years Ago...

After Mishaela died Lorrein regained Her consciousness and cried She looked at Kaze hugging Their dead Mother then Khae takes Her away and ran with Cefron

After a few hours She wakes up inside a warehouse then She stands up then looked around, She found a sword on a table then reaches for it when suddenly a voice behind Her startles Her

What are you doing?

Lorrein looks back and saw Khae, She activates Her Saegan Eyes then forms a lightning blade from Her palm then strikes it at Khae, But Khae effortlessly dodges Her attack then looked at Her and says

You killed your own Mother Lorrein

Lorrein forms another Lightning Blade then strikes it on the ground almost hitting Khae then She screams in frustration and sat on the ground crying

Khae goes to Lorrein and says

I.. Killed my own Mother too

Lorrein looks at Khae then asks


Khae looks at His palm then suddenly His eyes turned Red and Nytra took over and says

I just went away for a second and you are disobeying me Khae!

Lorrein was terrified of Nytra.
Nytra went around Her and says

You have a great potential

Nytra hands Lorrein a small orb, Lorrein was amazed by its beauty then reaches for it then asks

What is that?

Nytra answers.

This is an orb from The Crisis

Lorrein was confused then says

What do you mean?

Nytra hands the orb to Lorrein then says

There is an event that is hidden from history, Is is known as the first crisis

It was Rein who started it after He went back from the future bringing me The Night Phoenix

This body, Khae had a brother named Khei the holder of The War Phoenix that was killed in that event

The orb that Lorrein was holding glows up then flies to Her eyes

Nytra says

With that you get the knowledge of Rein's sins in The First Crisis

Lorrein had an enlightenment She learned the past history that Rein tried to hide.
And because of this knowledge that She got She became angry at Rein and Everyone that was involved in the crisis then She says to Herself

Then, I will be the one to end the sins of the Grimshold family

Present Day

Lorrein stands up on a rooftop of a random house in Ataki, She closes Her eyes then when She opened it back She activates The Tensaegan Eyes.

Lorrein looks at the moon with Her Tensaegan eyes then the moon turns into a Tensaegan Eyes making the surrounding turn red and dark

Meanwhile in Sheegan.
Kaze noticed the moon's new from then He says to Himself

What have you done now Lorrein

A portal opens behind Kaze then when He looks back He saw Lanz holding an injured person with long Hair, He ran to help Lanz then asks Him

What happened?

Lanz answers Him while catching His Breath

The past has changed

Kaze asks again

What do you mean?

Lanz looks at Kaze and says to Him

We are about to be erased from existence

Lanz looks at the injured man that Lanz was holding. He looks at Lanz again and asks Him

Who is that?

Lanz answers Kaze and says

That is Rein from the past

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