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You put someone
In a cage there whole life,
They learn how to


"Hey Selina, you awake?" the five year old with brown hair asks the other five year old with raven black hair

"Yea" the child responds in more of a whisper than Alyson

"Do you ever think we'll get out of here?" Selina dosent answer she stays quiet for a bit

"I think you will..but me, nah ima be here forever" the girl with raven hair says with a slight bit of encouragement in her voice

"Why? I will never leave you!" The brunette says in a loud whisper to which is earned by a Shh "Oh right sorry"

"Your everyone's favorite, your good at this unlike the rest of us" She responds to the brunettes question

"No...I think your better" the brunette says before finally falling asleep

In the morning they all wake up and get changed into there ballet uniform and in a single file line they head to the dance studio where madem b. Is waiting

She gives the instructions and all 13 girls follow along, hiting each step perfectly that is until one girl falls, all the girls stop as they watch the young 5 year old get dragged out the room scresming and crying, they hear her screams and in fear they soon contuine dancing again, Each girl tries there hardest to keep straight faces on

Emotion is weakness.

But unlike the pathetic girls Alyson is not afraid, she's the best of the best why would she be afraid? They'd never get rid of her, they'd most certainly hurt her but she dosent care, so she speaks up while still dancing

"Whyd she have to go she only triped?" Alyson asks her instructor and she sighs in annoyance

"Stop." Mabem b. Says to the girls and they stop dancing, place there feet in first position and hands in ballet form "you are weapons. Weapons don't weap...the girl that was taken she will be put down. Listen closely, you all know the rules. And emotion is weakness, weakness gets you killed." She them claps her hands and now all 12 girls contuine dancing.

Weapons don't weap...

It rang in Alysons ears along with many other questions why are we Weapons? Why can't we Weap? The little girl had many questions but knew not to ask.

I made a trailer 4 this series but its on tik tok so if you'd like to see it my account name is simp4_marvelwomen


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